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The Humility Fix

Oh, come on people,
Let us reason together
What are we trying to do here?
Trying to numb the pain which we created?
Look, we all make mistakes, don't we?
Why do you think they invented spell-checkers?

Well, hey, they don't make parent-checkers,
or teacher-checkers,
or preacher-checkers,
or lover-checkers,
or thinker-checkers.

or do they?

Did not He who made us grant us reason?

Have you run it through reason?
Or has your reason program been corrupted by the prejudice virus?
There's even a nastier one out there
It's called pride

Hmmm, pride and prejudice
Hasn't that been done already?
These two viruses corrupt Reason
But thank God, there's a fix
A little-known utility program called Humility

If you haven't purchased humility yet
you can get it now
today only
for the very special
low, low price

ok, you name the price
that's right
you name the price

Got a quarter of a dollar?
Go get it, man
And toss it in the air
Heads you win
Tails you win

What you are looking at is choice
that 50/50 proposition that you call
while the wheel is still in spin
Hmmm, which do you want?

Sorrow or joy?
Love or hate?
Peace or war?
Choice or fate?

Choose reason
and it won't really make a damn
where the coin lands, will it?
Reason is the Father of Humility

So IF you choose reason
Humility is thrown in in for free,
totally free!

How many reasons do you need for humility?

Listen to the Voice

Your three greatest gifts were Reason
and Imagination and Free Will.
By them you became sons of the living God

And though you were far from perfect,
by these gifts you could rise above all of your
limitations and soar to the very heavens
And learn at the feet of those great souls
who long to teach you higher truths

But you chose not to rise above your limitations
You chose to rise above your fellow man
You chose also to rise above your own creator

You questioned His reason.
You felt that you could do a better job if you had been given the power

You competed with the spirit of pride and prejudice
to see how high you could jump their hurdle of utter stupidity

And of course, they let you win

And you became the champion of your soul
The creator of your destiny
The source of your madness
The owner of your life
The mirage of your desire

Never realizing that Reason,
like a stubborn horse,
refused to jump through your hoops
Or any man's.

This horse was a Pegasus
flying on the winds of imagination
and in the strength and courage of free will.
And would carry you wherever there was a reason to go.
But not by your force of brutal contempt
for all that is holy and pure,
would it fly.

Yes, Pride and Prejudice had worldly kingdoms
and donned you alone it's king.
It's crown appeared to you in a dream
as an accomplished virtue,
which you were so priviledged to posses.

And from your imagination of superiority,
humanity corrupted.
flowed all power.

Beauty and truth and love
became what you alone commanded,
what you manipulated,
what you controlled.

A cancer which fed on you and upon which you dined.

Did you never get sick of it?

Did you never feel that it was temporal?

Did you never wonder why it was so easy?

My darling, that wretched death fed to you
only those wretched souls held in it's captive
as pitifully as you.

Never once were you given access
to the stubborn few who chose reason.

You do not even see that they exist.
They are hidden from your view.
They see your contempt and want nothing to do with you.
There is a firmament in the heavens.
Beyond this no man can pass.

That firmament is called HUMILITY.

All honor has the Father bestowed on the Son
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue shall confess

Why wait?

Come Now, Let Us Reason Together

Though your sins be as scarlet,

They shall be white as snow

Oh, that forgiveness would rain from the heavens
Upon the children of men

And thus washed clean
Their hearts renewed
Would look upon their brothers with forgiveness, too

There is no love for God
Without love for our fellow man

There is no love of self
Without love for our fellow man

There is no love
Without forgivenss

Come unto me all who labor
And are heavily laden
And I will give you rest

for I am MEEK
and LOWLY in heart

I am Reason and Humility and Forgiveness

I am Love

I will heal the broken-hearted
and set the prisoner free

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