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The Trip

I travelled to visit my brother at Easter
and there was something special with me this trip
a combination of love and longing for home
and for those who knew me
and accepted me

It was a long and boring drive
but Gus puppy was by my side
and in my heart
a very special person

That Easter Sunday

Shamefully, I did not attend the service that morning. I only wanted to be home! I went to the patio and drank in the new day. What a beautiful piece of heaven they had created within that little stockade. I drank in the newborn day as sweetly as the roses drank the dew and I began to sing...

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature, Oh, thou of God and Man the Son

thee will I honor, thee will I cherish, thou my souls glory, joy and crown.

My soul was free. 500 miles away from all of my troubles and safe in the arms of loved ones. Later, after my brother came home, we gathered around the piano. He asked me if I would like to hear a song? Of course! He said that it was an original arrangement of his, so I knew it would be good. I took my place several steps behind him and he began to play as only Thad can, commanding the most stirring emotions from what is simply known as a piano. My eyes misted over, a lump in my throat, yet still I burst once again into song, with him this time.

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of All Nature, Oh, thou of God and Man the Son


Dear love, that follows me where I go
like a rainbow, sometimes seen as this day
and sometimes unseen, either by this world's dark night
or under the cloud of my foolish heart
break forth now in all your beauty
break forth now in all your joyand makes the captive soul to sing
thou my soul's glory, joy and crown.

Thad and I have been down many roads together, and many apart. The miles always disappear when we reunite. Whatever God gave us has survived all of the changes, even of mid-life crises. Before I left, Thad put in my hands a little book. I browsed it's pages and knew it was special. Upon arriving home, I bought a copy for myself. It has shown me much. Our spiritual paths have been so divergent, yet always upward. Today is one of those major strides and I am so glad for it. And for everyone who has helped me on my journey.

All roads lead to home, the very core of love. For it was from love that we came. Every soul is a virgin birth. Every soul seeking light is the son of the living God.

Thanks Mom! for giving me three brothers and three sisters to love.

Thanks Thad! for being like me, only more talented!

Your sister, your friend,

p.s. I wish I could put your wonderful arrangement here for all the world to hear. But it is in my heart, it is the music of my heart. I cannot put my heart here, either. So this midi and these words will just have to do. My little reminder. Til we meet again.

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