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The Awakening of Adonis

beautiful dreamer...

The Awakening of Adonis

Born of passion, not of man
He slept in fields of flowers
His hopes removed from earthly cares
He dreamed away his hours
Not delicate nor slight of hand
Just far removed from ours

I happened by and saw his form
And could not leave him lying
For from his eyelids, misty dew
I saw my own tears crying
Embodied in his lifeless form
My own dreams saved from dying

If I may but awaken him
I'll lay not claim nor hold
That but his eyes may find their love
And morning star behold
To see him rise and laugh and dance
As in the days of old

I'll be his night
His shadow cast
His arm, his bed, his comfort

I'll be his right
His sure conquest
His shield, his sword, his armor

And he may go as eagle flies
Or roe among the thicket
And no fail harm shall come to him
Nor arrow of the wicked
For I will watch and wait and guard
Lest plot or trap be pitted

I will not weep his leaving me
Nor count it as my loss
If his sweet eyes cannot mine find
I will not count the cost
In giving birth to one so dear
His own life be my cross

And I shall see an image rise
From dark and endless sleep
And I shall see a soul set free
From strongholds of the deep
And his joy be the reason why
My own eyes cease to weep

In you I find my own awakening

<bgsound src="midi/brahms15.mid" loop="3">

The song playing is a Waltz in A by Brahms.

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