This page is dedicated for what Puck may have to say on a few things.

Since I, the lovely Alex Destine, am the owner of this site I will be watching over him, however we all know how the Puck can get at times. :P

Yes, they all should by now.

Hello Puck. Well,..... just like I promised, here's your very own little piece of heaven,.... you may do as you wish.

You mean I can play my tricks on this silly mortal who's right now reading my page?!?!!

Ummmh,...... no.
If you do that you wont have any fans left Puck!

Oh,... that's right.

I'll make a note of that. *snaps fingers and a small note pad appears* *he starts writting in it*
"Play trick on silly mortal who's reading page later."


Alright, I will leave you now Puck. Be good!

*Puck watches me leave, then he looks at this silly mortal who's reading this right now!!!!.......

Yeah!!.... That's right! You! I'm looking at YOU!!!

Now, since I promised Alex not to do anything that would be too naughty I'll just show you my picture book!!

What?!.... you don't like my idea!!.... (the nerve of these mortals!!).... Still, that's what I'm doing! Don't worry, you'll like it!

*opens a really old looking book and sits floating in mid air*

Oh!,..... I remember this picture! This was from the time that gargoyle,.... umh, Demona, was it?.... tried to use me in order to get what she wanted.

For an inmortal, that was pretty dumb. She should've known better that to have messed with the likes of ME.

There I am using my superior charm and intelect in order to flatter her into doing what I wanted! This silly race will never learn!..... Still, that's not something I would like to change!

*turns the page to look at more of his pictures*

However, in this picture she's just being compleatly rude toward me!!

The poor thing had it coming. Such a bad temper! She should know that is no way to treat a guest.

She most be grateful now. After all, I did leave her a small token of my gratitude. She wanted to see the sun?... Well, I made that possible for her!

By the way, if any of you would ever need a wish from me, please feel free to dial: 1-800-PUCK'LL WIN EITHER WAY.

Now back to the pictures!!

Main Gargoyles page.