Elisa writes in green,
Alex Destine writes in HotPink,
Heather N. Allen (~H\A~) writes in yellow,
Caliope writes in Plum.

You may continue...

*************** Alexīs little shop of horrors ****** heehee
*I wake up from my faint*
WHAT?!!!???? I fainted?! No way... and for an arm no less... surely u guys donīt think Iīm not made from sterner stuff :( *sniff*
I am the wonderful Alex Destine!.... a beauty surpassed by no other, except my mirror... (we have our little competitions :P)
ok... maybe I need to cool off the beauty thing... I mean, wouldnīt want to make u guys feel bad or something...
*Cali and Elisa are ready to pounce on someone whoīs NOT the green creature*
OK! OK!... u guys are really pretty too!!!

*the green moster uses this moment to attack Caliope from behind*
Elisa: Oh no! Donīt worry Caliope! Iīll save you!
Cali: no need!! *takes out her mace and uses it on the creature* *the monster runs in pain*
Cali: HA HA HA HAAAAAA <--- heroic laughter
*Cali stands with her arms crossed as the wind blows her hair*
That monster was no match for me! Did you guys really think that he couldīve *ooofff*
*Cali is taken down by a bunch of little green creatures*
Alex: Hey look! It has a family *climbs up the tree*
Elisa: ALEX! what happened to that sterner stuff you were talking about earlier?
Alex: Well, I certainly wont faint from the sight of an arm falling off, but do you REALLY want me to go down there and get my hands all dirty!
I think not!
*Caliope manages to run away from the green creatures, grabs Elisa by the arm and climb the tree while pushing me down*
Alex: HEY! Guys!! this isnīt funny! let me up!!
Cali and Elisa: NO!
Alex: Guuuuyyyyyysss!!!! :(

*the green creatures are now sorrounding Alex*
Ok... lets be civilized about this... why donīt we, OH MY GOD!!!
*Alex runs away from the cretures with REALLY long fangs as one of them grabs her dress and tears it*
Alex: *gasp*.... do you know how much this cost?!...
*pounces on the creature that damaged the dress and starts to strangle itīs neck*
Youīll pay for that you... you.... thingie!!
*the other creatures are forming a circle around Alex as she is shocking the little monster to death*
*Cali and Elisa are still looking down from the tree as Cali opens a bag of pop corn*
Elisa: Maybe we should help her...
Cali: Naaah... here, have some pop corn.
Elisa: thanks!.... this is a really good show!
Cali: I bet u $5 the monster wins!
Elisa: youīre on!

*Caliope and Elisa now look next to them and see a strange man*
Cali: Who the heck is that? *Elisa shrugs*
Announcer: Will this be the end of the little monster that damaged Alexīs dress?
Alex: You BET IT IS!!!
Announcer: Stay tuned for our next RP...

Cali: HEīS the announcer...?
Elisa: What the heck is he doing here?
Cali: I donīt know... letīs push him off the tree too!
Elisa: YEAH!

*********** Caliope! your turn************ :)

Alex Destine

*Cali pushes anouncer of tree* *Green monsters make mince meat of him* Hehehehe... :P
*eats some more `popcorn with Elisa*
You know...this is getting stale...
Elisa> What? The popcorn?
Naw, this watching the fight....I`m gonna get down there ...somethin`!...I know!!! What we need is reenforcements!!!
*takes out her "Sorcery for Dummies" book, hops off the tree and lands in a stickie pile of bunnie goodness*
Eeeeewwww..........I know!!!! *opens her book and looks in the index for "fluffy bunny zombi resurections".....hmmm....I found it!!!
*begins chanting spell and all the cool whipy piles of bunny goodness begin to reform into their original 12feet purple, oragne polka-dotted selves*

Now hear me, Oh Bunny Zombies!!!!!Lend me your ears!!!!
*Cali is pelted with fuzzy bunny ears*
Ak!!! Grose!!! Put them back!!! Put them back!!!!
*Bunnies put ears back on*...shesh...bunnie zombies...heh....
OK! Back to buisness!!!!I Comand ye bunnies to attack Yonder green monster...thingies!!!! ATTACK!!!!!
*herd of zombi bunnie rush out to attack the green monsters Alex is fighting*

Yeah!!! Now THIS is a good show!!! *grabs popcorn again and sits and watches with Elisa*
Elisa> Yeah, this is cool!
*we look and see Zombi bunny srangling Alex*
No!!! NO!!! Bad bunnie!! Bad!!! *bunnie is ashamed and puts ALex Down*
Alex is not a monster...I know how you might have been confused by her aperence, but non the less, she`s not a monster!!! *bunnie cries*
Aw, its ok, Anti Cali isnt mad...*pats bunnie* There now, you run along and kill monsters with your friends!!!

Alex> MONSTER!!! ME?!?!? This is an outrage!!! Didnt you hear my "I`m so pretty" Speach before!?
*Both Cali and Elisa nod with sly smiles* ;) ;)
*bunnies continue batteling monsters and Cali puts her book away*
*pile of "anouncer mince meat" stirs*....Will the bunnies finish of the monsters?!?!
Will the girls run out of popcorn?!?!?!
Will Alex ever get over herself?!?!?!
Find out next time on....The Bunnie Wars!!!!
All 3 girls stare at pile of "anouncer mince meat"*
****************Elisa!! Your On!!!!***************


hey ho, here we go
*all three of us look down at the pile of announcer*
*i swear under my breath and kick the pile*
i never did like announcers.....

*cali and alex chuckle*

*i kick a rock and peers over at the battling monsters*
man...*i bunnie flies over my head*
*another bunnie hits me in the head*

*in a daze, i stumble around*
i stand correct, that WAS a bunny.....*i drop to the ground, knocked out* *and land with a dull THUD*
*alex and cali wince*
alex> oooo....that isn't good....
cali> Elisa? are you in there?
*no answer*
alex> not good...NOT GOOD....
*just as alex and cali begin to panic....the horde of monsters and bunnies turn to us* *the monsters grin evily as they clutch remote controls*
*the bunnies now have have antennas on their heads*
*cali and alex back away as the horde creep over to them*

alex, YER TURN chicka! :D

************ Let the madness begin ****************
*alex stares at Caliope*
So much for "fluffy bunny zombi resurections". Cali, what are we supposed to do now?!?!?!
Caliope: Amh... well,... RUN! maybe... sounds like a plan..
Alex: Yeah it sure does!! *alex starts running toward the tree when she hears Caliope calling behind her*
Cali: Hey!.. HEEEEEY!!! We have a wounded here!! A WOUNDED!!!... *points at Elisa*
Alex: oh yeah,... right... my bad! ;P
*Cali & Alex start dragging the wounded Elisa as the over ridden bunnys get closer to them*
*one of the bunnys grabs Elisa by her feet as we were pulling her into the safety of the tree*
*Now Cali & alex are tugging at Elisa by her arms while a bunch of bunny zombies are togging by her feet*
Alex: ok... this most be hurting her....
Cali: yeah.. good thing she'd out cold! ;P
Alex: Think we should let go?
Cali: NO!
Alex: ok, ok... sheesh...
*we now see the pile of "anouncer mince meat" as he starts pulling Elisa by her feet, helping the bunnys*
Alex & Cali: HEY!!! Stop that you pile of mince meat!!!
Announcer: Who do you think made me like this?!?!
*alex stares at Cali*
Cali: oops... sorry. ^_^
Alex: now we're doom Cali! DOOM! We can't keep pulling Elisa like this!
*suddenly our eyes are blinded by an extremly bright light. We peek over and see the shadow of a mysterios person.*
Cali: oh god! not another announcer!
Alex: No wait!... I know that shadow!
*we hear the sound of a "Mr. Carter" loading*
Both Cali & Alex cry in joy: AND WE KNOW THAT SOUND!!!
Alex: Can it be...?
Cali: is it she??!?
***** HEATHER'S BACK!!! (and better then ever) Your turn sweetie*****

Alex Destine

**********Ready or not, HERE I COME!!!**********


*the bunnies and mince-meated announcer jump back with alarm from the pie which lands a few feet from them, letting go of Elisa. Cali and Alex are so happy they forget they're holding Elisa and drop her*
Elisa: Ugh...what the---hey! Who's that?!
*Cali and Alex rush to hug their long-lost friend*
Cali: Don't you recognize her?
Elisa: Recognize her--a shadowy figure? No...
Alex: Oh, yeah! Heather, step out here, would ya?

*The clouds part and sunlight beams down on our heroine. Heather, holding her trusty 'Mr. Carter' steps out of the sunbeam and annihlates a bunny that gets too close*

H\A: Hey, hey! Here I am to save your butts!
Elisa: It's Heather!
Alex: Well, silly, we knew that already.
Elisa: How? She was just a freakin' shadow!
Cali: Didn't you get the memo?
*Elisa gives them a blank look*
Alex: Uh oh...

*The bunnies sniff the remains of their now cool-whippy friend. Angry, they turn toward our heroes.*

H\A: Uh guys...I hope you guys have had the sense to make a stronghold while I was gone!
*The other three exchange looks. All scream in unison*

Mince-meated Announcer: Is THIS the end of our heroes?
Will they be turned into mince-meat by the monsters with their mind-controlled bunnies?
Well, I sure hope so! I'm getting SICK of these guys!
H\A: Hey! You're an announcer! Aren't you supposed to root for US?
Announcer: Ask THEM.
*She looks to the others. They smile, wave, and head for the tree*

******It's good to be back! Okay, Cali, TAG--YOU'RE IT!!!*******
Heather N. Allen

*All 4 girls scramble up the tree*
Cali: You shut up you stupid pile of mince meat or we`ll make hamberger outta ya!!! "We`re bigger than you!!! Get in Our belly!" (quoteth fat bastard)

Heather!!! Its good to have you back!!! We were depending on Elisa to save us so of corse we were almost dead on numerous ocacions and....
*turns head and sees Elisa standing beside her fuming* heard that! I was just kidding of corse! I mean, Alex and I, we could save ourselves! If we had to :P

*Bunny zombies start trying to shake us out of the tree and the girls hold on for DEAR life*

Alex> Ooo it sounds like a leafy maraca! Shake it shake it shake it!:P
Cali: *stares blankly at Alex....looks away* Ok girls, whatta we do...whatta we do...I know!!! I could always resurrect the smerfs!!!!
Heather and Elisa: NO!!!!
Alex> YES!!!....yummy....
*heather slaps Alex* Dont start THAT again!!!

*the shaking suddenly stops and we look down to see the green monster...thingies banging and shaking and swearing at their controlers*
Elisa>...what does it all mean?...
Cali> OH!!! I know!!! The controlers batteries ran out!!!!Dont you hate it when THAT happens!?!?!? :P
Common guys!!! Help me remove the controling device thingis of the bunny zombies!!!

and here comes the cop.....doobie doobie do...
(on a side note)
heather, i'm very pleased to see you have returned! *hugs* it's great to have ya back hon! we've missed ya much! ^_^

hey ho, here we go.....

*i peer down from the tree, realising the batteries ran out*
*i wince and grin to myself*
they should've used Energizer......
(GET IT????) tee hee....
*the Energizer bunny come hopping by, thumping it's drum*

*blank look*

*i slide down, alex, cali and heather follow as well*
*heather clutches Mr.Carter and aims*
*i dash over to each bunny and rips the antenneas off of them each* *after ridding the devices, the bunnies shake their heads but STILL look over at us*
heather> what's going on here????? why're they still looking at us as if they are going kill us????
*the green monsters laugh* *one of the monsters sings out*
"HA! you fools! the antenaes have implanted sensers in the bunnies heads! you'd have to do BRAIN SURGERY to get the devices out!"

oh bloody hell....

*alex, cali, and heather shake me furiously*
*my eyes roll around in my head* *i shake my head; my eyes fall back into place*

uhm....*i check my watch* I KNOW!
all> WHAT??!!

it's time for a.....*i suck in a breath of air*

all> coffee break????
yeah, a cop's gotta have their daily doughnut and cup of coffee.....

heather> *slaps her hand to her forehead* *moans* oh brother Elisa...
cali> CAN WAIT yanno.....
no way! i want to take a break NOW...
besides, haven't we ALL been busting our arses to fight those demons??!!
we DESERVE a break.....
*i run up on a podium as the American flag waves behind me* *fireworks go off as well*

and with God as my witness, we shall not let these demons deny our very right of taking a coffee break! it's our right! as citizens! as AMERICANS!!!!!!!

cali> *blank look* i'm not American.... (sorry, dun know if ya are or not, BUT i wanted to throw that in, kay?)

oh yeah....*i jump off and stroll over to a table*
alex> well, the fireworks were nice.....
*heather launches a bottle rocket to alex* *it promptly hits alex in the butt*
alex> AAAAAACCCKKK!!!!! all right, WHO DID THAT!!
*heather whistles and twiddles her thumbs innocently* *alex WHAPS heather with a daisy and tromps off with a smoking butt*
*heather stifles a laugh and follows*
*we all take a seat at the table, passing around the coffee pot, and snatching doughnuts from a box*
*as we eat and convene, one of the monsters sneaks up, hauling a little flask from station eight who in which the little bastard STOLE from my stash*

(time to get some new locks)

*he opens the flask and pours it in the coffee pot* *none of us notice*

"heh, let's see how they fare when one of them is on OUR side.....," the monster grumbles..

*i then refil my mug as the monster sneaks off, giggling*
heather> heh, you are your coffee breaks.....
*i shrug*
call it cop instinct....
*after refilling my mug, i take a good gulp and wipe my lips with a napkin*
*i suddenly stop.....i wince*
*cali, alex, and heather still chat back and forth* *i wince again, and twitch*
*alex cracks a joke, and laughs her head off as cali and heather laugh* *alex nudges me*
alex> *laughing hysterically* Elisa.....hehehe.....dude....
*i close my eyes and narrow my look* *my look then turns into a look of pain*
alex> *she stops a bit* Elisa? okay?
*alex's tone goes serious*
alex> Elisa....what's wrong?
cali> i knew she shouldn't have had that last cup....the darn girl has drank like five cup fulls....
heather> probably indegestion....*shrugs*
*i let out a moan*
*cali shakes her head* *she grabs the coffee, takes a whiff of it and turns up her nose*
cali> EEEWWWUU!!!! no wonder! the coffee went bad!
*heather sighs and pours the coffee pot on the ground* *the coffee sizzles on the grass*
heather> *openmouthed* DANG!!! that's the STRONGEST coffee i've ever seen!
*i then stumble out of my seat and over away from the table* *alex, cali, and heather stare* *i clutch my throat and drop to my knees*
heather> ELISA???? *she runs over*
*i cough and hold my throat* *heather places a hand on my shoulder, not noticing my fingertips* *she looks over at my hands, seeing talons coming out!!!
heather> HOLY GOD!!!!
*heather BOLTS over to the table* *they all watch in horror as i alter*
*i slowly begin to grow, my hands becoming taloned, horns erupt from my head, my shoes tear off from my now new huge, arched feet* *wings suddenly explode from my back, my eyes glow a bright red, a tail appears, fangs replace my blunt teeth*
*after altering, i stutter up, eyes glowing, snarling* *i give them all a nasty look* *i've noe been turned into a fifty foot gargoyle!!!*
alex> ELISA???? what happened????
*i roar as loud as i can*
alex> MEEP! *she snaps her mouth shut*
*heather looks back at the coffee which the sizzle has calmed down by now*
heather> uh oh.....
*i then stomp over, bearing my fangs, snarling* *alex, cali, and heather back up in fear but halt as they realise the bunnies and monsters are approaching from the other side*
heather> *shrieks obsenity*

*the lead monster call out*
"HA! now that Elisa has been altered into a gargoyle, she'll now serve US! and we will destroy you once and for all!!!"
*the monster laughs maniacally*
alex> terrific......NOW WHAT?
*heather and cali have no idea what to do*
*i peer down, licking my lips*
cali> well.....we could always put salt on ourselves......
*heather glares at cali*
cali> heh....

announcer> will this be the end of our heros??
has Elisa really been altered and will she be planning on having them for a light snack??
will cali EVER learn to NOT crack puns in a serious situation?? stay tuned......

okay alex.....YER TURN! woo hoo! i'm a sixty foot gargie!
let's see how you guys fare with that!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex RP Dream Time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~
*we all look up to the now 60 fotted gargie that used to be our dear friend Elisa*
Heather: Well now that's something u don't see every day...
*Cali shouts as hard as she can*
Cali: HOW'S THE WEATHER UP THERE?!!?!!?!?!? heehee!
Heather: cute Cali,... real cute *snikers*
*Alex is all by herself fuming*
Heather: Alex, what's wrong honey?
Alex: What's wrong?!... what's wrong?! Elisa can't do this to us!! She can't leave the Eradication Squad!
Cali: I'm sure she didn't do it on purpuse alex... *sighs*
Alex: yeah well,... still! Someone has to go up there and smack some sense into that girl!
Cali: I'LL DO IT I'LL DO IT!!! ^_^
Alex: No, it was my idea :P
*Heather stares* You guys really want to smack Elisa, don't ya?....
Alex: It is a duty I most make with little joy... do u really see me that cruel? Do u guys think that I for one minute enjoy smacking the person who hit me w/ a mallet for saying I was a smurf-aholic, or who made me faint at the sight of an arm falling off? (hey! now that I think of it... I've napped a lot in this RP :P) I do this w/ little joy Heather,... little joy indeed.

*As Alex turns her back to her friends a small smile escapes her lips*
*the 60 foot Elisa is now bangging her fists at her chest to the King Kong style as little "normal sieze" Alex is climbing by her clothes toward her*
*Meanwhile Heather & Cali stare*
Cali: You're gonna fall from there & you're gonna hurt your bombom and then u'll start crying! I just know it!
Heather: $5 she at least makes it to the waist...
Cali: 'kay!
Heather: U know, while Alex is doing that, we should be doing something...
Cali: u're right, but what?
*bunch of evil green monsters are ataring at our heros*
Heather: u had to ask Cali.. u had to ask...
*meanwhile Alex actually made it to the head (I would've made a longer struggle at climbing the whole elisa body, but then I'd be writting a novel and well, your emails accounts can only take so much)*
*alex stars at the Elisa gargie*
Alex: Alright... my job is to keep u busy while that coffe u took starts to wear off! So I'll be smacking some sense into ya!
*smack* that's for the mallet thingie
*smack* that's for the fainting thingie
*smack* that one's in case I've missed some others
*smack* Oh, and by the way, Cali & I are american citizens, Cali lived in California for a huge chunk of her life.
*Elisa sudenly remembers she's got hands and tries to slap the little annoying alex off of her face, only to have Alex jump and hit herself instead*
*Now Alex is on top of Elisa's "blue" hair (u heard Greg Weisman,.. it's blue! :P)*
*Now back to our duo*
*Cali opens a portal and brings up.... ANOTHER announcer!!*
Heather: Do u want to kill us?!! How could u bring another of those demon spawns??
*the green monsters start to throw stones at them and Cali uses the announcer as a shield*
Cali: that answer your question?
Heather: sure... glad to know they're good for something... :P
2nd Announcer: owie! :(
*Alex stares from the 60 foot distance she is now from*
Alex: those guys get all the fun...
Elisa: I'm bigger the u, wee girly... get in my belly!! (yep, both Cali & I can't do without Fat Bastard inuendos! :P)
Alex: Can't get me,.. can't get me... whoa!!
*Elisa is now holding little Alex*
Elisa: heehee I'm gonna eat ya!!!
Alex: oh dear,... what is me to do?... HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPP!!
*Both Cali & Heather stop and look at the 60 foot elisa holding a little Alex*
Cali: why am i not surprised..
Heather: how do we save her?!?!
2nd announcer: u could use the airplanes the green mosters used to get here...
*Heather & Cali stare* Wow.. they fly in style....
*Both girls jump into those airplanes and head off toward the Elisagoyle*
*Elisa is now on top of a huge building holding Alex by one hand and bangging her fits w/ the other*
Alex: we could be reasonable about this... but no!
*sees the airplane* Weee! they've come to save me! Haha! Elisagoyle Kong! :P

Heather: This is Heather 1, do u copy Caliope 2?
Cali: *static* Yes Heather 1, are we up for fireing at will...
Heather: *static* Negative Cali 2, negative... they seems to be a civilian trapped in the monsters hand. Over..
Cali: *static* Heather! That's only Alex!!!
Heather: *static* Still negative, we most wait for word from our president..
Cali: *stares* *static* Confirm Heather 1.... rats!

1st (meance meat)Announcer: will Elisagoyle eat her friend Alex?
Will Heather & Cali get word from our president?.... stay tunned and find out!!!
Cali: Hey Announcer... we never found out... what's your name anyway...
1st announcer: Well,... my name is Will Coulins!
Heather: *static* Caliope 2, we have partial confirmation, we may FIRE AT WILL, FIRE AT WILL!!!
Cali: Alright!!!
*announcer is now more then meance meat.. he's practicaly non existance!*
*Elisagoyle & Alex are palying cards*
Elisa: do u suppose the president will answer soon?
Alex: i hope so, it's freezing this high up... :P
***********What can i say Heather honey.. it's your turn*** :P ***
Alex Destine

---------------**H\A's Quote of the Day--"90% of everything is crap." This is just some ofit.**
::H\A and Cali open fire on the mince-meat announcer. Now, he's just a pileof mush::
Cali: HA! Lets see him talk after THAT!
Announcer Mush: Mmph-mmph--* (silence)
H\A: YES! Got 'em!
Alex: (shouting so Elisagoyle can hear) Ha! GO FISH!
Elisagoyle: Dang it, she NEVER has any two's...
H\A: *static* Okay, Cali 2, we JUST got confirmation from the President.DON'T FIRE. I REPEAT, Do NOT open FIRE.
Cali: *static* Aww...why not?
H\A: *static* Alex is paying him big bucks not to blow her away.
Cali: *static* Darn! So NOW what?
H\A: *static* Well, our gas needle is below the 'E'. Wanna just fly around till we run out and crash?
Cali: *static* Okay! Roger, Heather 1!
H\A: *static* My name's not Roger...
::Meanwhile, the card game has turned ugly::
Alex: (being held between finger & thumb by Elisagoyle) Uh, I swear! Ididn't see those two's there--honest!
Elisagoyle: You HAD THREE of them, you lying little creep!
Alex: Heh heh (gulps)...they got hid behind my set of one's?
Elisagoyle:...Alex: (sighs with relief)
Announcer (version 2.0, non-mush): Will Heather and Cali crash and burn?
Will Elisagoyle get over the card game and NOT eat Alex?
Heck, will this coffee-monster-potion even wear OFF? Stay Tuned!
Elisagoyle: HEY! There aren't any one's in a deck of cards!! (eyes glow red)
Alex: (gulps again)*
*H\A's RP ends. *static* Cali 2, take over, affirmative?**
Heather N. Allen

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