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Welcome to Sowlf's Den! I hope the you are able to find the answers that you seek here in my home. I am always open to suggestion and will never turn out those who seek advice. While I do not claim to know everthing, I will do my best to steer you in the proper direction. *SS*

Now, for your viewing pleasure! *wink* I have filled my site with information about the craft, wolves, pictures, info about me and a few short stories and poems that I have written. And not to forget there is a link page.

I know that my site is taking soooo long. I have been moving around a bit. And getting addicted to EverCrack.. *lol* I have been VERY busy. You believe me right?? *sweet smile* Well, eventually it will look like an actual web page... well... maybe. *ss*

And just for you kiddies who are my personal friends.. VERY PERSONAL! .. there is a few hidden pages to the site. If you ask me real nicely.. and do a striptease for me.. *LMAO* I might just let you see them :)

• Pix
• Library
• Wolves Info
• Linx
• Me
• Poems

If you have any questions or comments, E-mail me!

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