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Dr. Doom !
Entire nations tremble at the mere mention of the name --- Victor Von Doom! Scientist, sorcerer, madman and absolute monarch of the kingdom of Latveria, Doom is, has been, and ever shall be the most dangerous, the most cunning and the most relentless of all the foes faced by the Fantastic Four!

doc0up1.gifReal Name: Victor Von Doom

Dual Identity: Publicly Known

First Appearance: Fantastic Four 5

Place of Birth: A gypsy camp in Latveria

Current Group Memberships: None

Height: 6' 7'' (in armor)

Weight: 225 lbs. (400 in armor)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Source of Power: Scientific Genius, Arcane arts

Weapons: High-Tech body armor includes various weapons, Doom-Bots

Armor: nuclear powered armor can generate strong force-feilds only few can penetrate. Also has strong blast of energy that shoots from armored hands.


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