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An Appeal from :
Needy Children of the Ummah

(Reg. Charity No. 1042444)

With every day that passes, the atrocities Being committed in the Muslim Ummah worsen. Everyone has either witnessed, heard or read about the countless massacres and the systematic savagery that has become a part of everyday life for thousands of our brothers and sisters in Bosnia, Burma, Kashmir, Algeria and many other places.

In the light of such disasters the Needy Children of the Ummah was established as a registered charity in November 1994, although its roots go back some three years to the height of the Bosnian crisis. In the light of the continual holocaust of the Bosnian Muslims the organisation was initially set up to provide relief to all Muslims but, especially the young who suffer so terribly the effects of the conflicts that rage in our countries.

The charity's key objective is to provide relief for Muslims in need by:

- providing immediate aid to the victims

- giving medical aid and relief supplies.

- establishing orphanages & schools.

Alhamdulillah, although there are many organisations working to provide relief to our brothers and sisters, the NCTU is different to other charities. It undertakes to abide by the Qur'an & Sunnah in all its activities and regularly consults with scholars to ensure that all its projects are in accordance with the Qur'an & Sunnah as understood by the people of knowledge. The NCTU makes great effort to ensure that all donations are spent without any deductions for administrative cost, but where admin. costs do arise separate events such as bazaars are organised to finance them. Also, the charity is fully accountable and can show everyone exactly how their donation was spent.

In the past few years NCTU has made numerous journeys to Croatia & Bosnia taking van loads of essential supplies.

In addition to these conveys, NCTU is directly involved in working in the refugee camps. Much time has been spent in the Stobrec camp in Croatia, and from here many other camps are regularly visited in and around Split; Dubrovnik; Orebic and more recently in Western Bosnia itself. Unlike other aid workers NCTU volunteers stay in the camps, living with the refugees. This has, of course, given them a greater understanding of what the refugees are going through and what their requirements are. The NCTU has provided health care advice & treatment by bringing a doctor, dentist & dietician from Britain; and has set-up a mudrassah which will insha-Allah prove to be a focal point of the teams efforts to develop a strong sense of Islam amongst the people.

The NCTU is a young organisation but is constantly expanding its work and with more funds & volunteers intends the following projects:

- surgical rooms for war victims.

- family sponsorship programs.

- setting up orphanages.

- sponsorship/fostering of orphans.

- relocating refugee families.

- promoting health awareness schemes.

And as the charity expands its work, similar schemes are intended for Kashir; Albania; Palestine; Somalia, and wherever else they are needed. If you wish to make a donation, become involved with NCTU, or find out more about it please contact us at the address below:

Needy Children of the Ummah

c/o Brixton Masjid

1 Gresham Road SW9 7PH.

Please make any donations payable to : Needy Children of the Ummah

" And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged." (surah 2:272).

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