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How We can Help Each Other

What Can We Do?

If someone needs to talk, then listen. Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone is to listen. Perhaps, not even saying a word.

Share your own feelings and memories with someone else. In doing so, you work through your own feelings and allow another person the opportunity to work through their's. Sharing also keeps the memories alive.

Remember that the grieving process has different stages. We all deal with grief differently and go through these stages at different times. Be patient with someone if they are working through a different stage of grief than you. This is especially important when it comes to anger. Anger is a part of the grieving process. Allow someone else to be angry. Be patient and tolerant of one another.

Be supportive of one another. Reach out to others and let them know that you care.

Learn something from this. I have a firm belief that good can be found in everything, even in death. Perhaps not right away, but it will down the road. Try and find some positive way that this can influence your life. It may not be apparent now, but in the words of someone we all cherish ...

"If you're lookin' ... you will find it."

Take care of yourselves, and each other.

Journey Together ~ Opening Reflection

~ From a Suicide Support Group ~

You are welcome to this circle where we hope you may find space to grieve, to search, to listen and reach out.

Each one of us brings here a story: the story of our brokeness and sorrow, the story of our survival, our need to get more out of life.

We come here to be with people who understand our struggle and our hurt: they too have tears in their eyes and pain in their hearts,

This is a sacred place where we can explore our feelings: our loneliness, our shock, our anger, our guilt, our sadness or whatever is hurting us inside. This is a place where we can share our humanity and find strength and inspiration in each other.

Let us remember that each one of us is at a different point of our journey: let us respect where each one is and let us learn from each other.

For all of us, life remains a mystery and we can only choose to trust and to love, we cannot choose to know, we cannot choose for others.

Although we remain deeply wounded people, let us find comfort and healing in what we believe and in our ability to care for each other.

