
Buffonia Train Depot

If you'd like me to link to you, please sign my guestbook, and your link will be up within a week!

= fun!, = fantastic layout ,
= one of my absolute faves = original and extremely creative

General Sites
A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Site
And You Thought YOU Were Obsessed with BTVS
B3 Fanfic
Bree's Buffy Page
Buffy Fanfic Links
Buffy's Locker
Buffy Cross & Stake
Buffy Homepage Help
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Official Site
Buffy Unlimited
Crystal's BTVS Site
Darkness Falls
Dingo on the Prairie
Domain of the Slain - DOTS
Misty's Buffy Fic'n Stuff
Philip's Sounds
Raven's Realm of BTVS
Rouge's Buffy Page
Slayerfanfic Archive
Sounds of the Slayer
Sunnydale High Cheerleading Squad
Sunnydale High
Sunnydale & the World Under
Taygeta's Fanfic Page
The Buffy Dimension
The Slayers Realm
The Very Suave, Very Not Pathetic Site
The Zeppo
Thomas's Buffy Page
VABuffyFan's Sunnydale High Student Lounge
Welcome to Hellville

Province Ring Sites

Another BTVS Page
Buffy Theory 101
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan Site
Buffy Trading Cards
Eric's Buffy Galleries
Eliana & Dorit's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Homepage
Don't Warn the Tadpoles
Empress Lisette's Land of BtVS
Eternal Slayer

Loves' Bitch
My Buffy Reviews
Slayer World
Stuz's BTVS Fun Page
The Scooby Gang
The Stakehouse
The Vampire's Mansion
The Watcher's Guild
Welcome to the Hellmouth... Get home before Dark
Welcome to MY Hellmouth
Welcome to My Hellmouth

International Sites

***note*** sorry it took so long to link to all the UK and other international sites, I've been really busy

French Buff (French w/ English)
K.J's Underworld (German w/ English)
Buffy Deutsch (German w/ English)
Xander's House (German w/o English)
Youngsta's Buffy Page (German w/o English)
Der Deutsche Buffy Webring (German w/o English)
Buffy UK (UK)
The Watcher's Web (UK)

Buffy/Angel Sites

Refuge from Darkness
The Buffy & Angel Sanctuary

Xander/Buffy Sites

Angel or Xander?
Beloved by the Zeppo
Buffy & Xander Lovers Club
Buffy... Xander... Soulmates
In the Light of Tomorrow
... Something More
The Remote Impossible Possibility
The Slayer and her White Knight
Two Worlds Colliding

Xander + Willow/Cordy/Anya Sites

Xander & Anya: A Match Made In Sunnydale
Welcome to a World of Romance (Xander/Anya)
Bucky's Fondu Hut (Xander/Cordy)
Stone Cold Sunnydale (B/X - C/X fanfic)
Animal Crackers: X/C
Willow & Xander - Best Friends or More?
Xander's Pride, Willow's Heart

Xander/Nicholas Brendon Sites

For the Love of Nicky
First Unofficial Nicholas Brendon Fan Club
Holy Order of Brendonites
Mary's Photo Album (Convention photos)
Nicholas Brendon Afficiandos (NBA)
Nicholas Brendon Estrogen Brigade

Nicholas Brendon Zone
Nick Pics
The Evil Troll Known as Xander
The X Factor
Spike's Archive (has Xander-fic)
Xander Dance Club
Xander Gaurdian Guild
Xander Keepers
Xanderluver Luvs Xander
Xander Xone

Willow/Alyson Hannigan Sites

The Alyson Hannigan Appreciation Society
The Alyson Hannigan Alter
Everybody Loves Willow
The Willow Keepers
We Posess Willow Power
Willow Web
The Official Alyson Hannigan Page
Willow's Domain
Alyson Hannigan-Something

Oz/Seth Green Sites

the Oz Gateway
The Official Seth Green Homepage
The Seth Green Estrogen Brigade
I Mock You with my Monkey Pants
Oz World Order
My Shrine to a Silly Guy
Shrine of Seth
Seth's Shangri-La

Willow/Oz Sites

Willow & Oz: Aren't They Cute?!
Willow & Oz: I Think I'm a Groupie!
Animal Crackers: O/W
Willow & Oz!
Skittery's Willow & Oz Site

We Make Our Own Fun
Willow & Oz's Groupies
Laura's Willow & Oz Page
Who's That Girl? A Tribute to Willow & Oz

Angel/David Boreanaz Sites

Angel's Secrets
Brethren of Boreanaz
David's Angels
Angel's Paradise
On Angel's Wings
I Hate Angel

Cordelia/Charisma Carpenter Sites

Cordelia's Corner
Welcome to the Center of the Universe
The Charisma Carpenter Zone
The Cordelia Chase Crew

Giles/Anthony Stewart Head Sites

The Watcher Chronicles
A Watcher's Love (Buffy/Giles)
The New Giles/Buffy Relationshippers
The Watcher and the Slayer
Decaf Land (Giles/Cordy)
That's Not Where I Dangle It (Giles/Jenny)

Spike & Dru Sites

A Home for Spike & Dru
Dead Daises + Railroad Spikes + Leather Pants = ? (S/D/A)
Drowning in Russet Silk
Dru & Spike's Domain
Spike & Drusilla's Garden of Blood
Sunnydale's Spike & Dru
The Vampire Slayground
Altar to Spike & Drusilla

Spike & Buffy Sites

Love's Bitch (fanfic)
Unholy Allies
Spike + Buffy = WHAT!!!???
Guilty Pleasures (two non-blondes & a slayride)
Forbidden Love Unfurled

Spike/James Marsters Sites

A Shaker Full of Salty Goodness
Delila Darklove's Spike Page
James Marsters Fan Page
The Nameless Site

Drusilla/Juliet Landau Sites

Drusilla's Dollhouse
Drusilla's Sunnydale
The Unofficial Juliet Landau Homepage

Banner Links

Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links
Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links
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