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This page will give you information on each of these individual programs.

Writing Skills
The Junior Chamber of Commerce offers a great way to "brush up" on your writing skills! We have programming guides that a chairperson writes that will help in those skills. We also have two competitions at each conference. The first one is called "Write-Up I" and this consists of a 30 minute writing time on the Saturday of conference. The topic will be announced that morning. The second one is called "Write-Up II" and it is a mail-in competition of a 500 word essay on a topic given thirty days before the due date.

Speaking Skills
We also have great opportunities for you to become a great speaker. As a member, you may have the opportunity to lead the pledge, say the prayer, close with the Creed, or give a project report. This is a great way to learn to speak in front of lots of people. As a board member, you may have the opportunity to discuss projects in your area and to motivate others to get involved. We also have a speaking competition at conference called "Speak-Up". This competition involves getting a topic about one month in advance and preparing a 4 to 6 minute speech on that topic. If you make the top three, you will then get to "shine" during a 3 to 5 minute impromptu speech. This topic will be given to you right before you give the speech. You get thirty seconds to think about it. Talk about thinking on your feet!!

Resume and Interview Skills
We have two great competitions which help to prepare you for interviewing for that big job! One is for that FIRST YEAR Jaycee. It's called the C. William Brownfield Award (Brownfield) and it consists of preparing a resume with your personal, professional, and Jaycee history listed. Then you are interviewed by other distinguished Jaycees about what the organization means to you and what you philisophies are. The other competition is for a VETERAN Jaycee. It's called the John H. Ambruster Award (Armbruster) and it is the same type competition. The resume is prepared only for the current year. These two are great for preparing you for job interviews and many other things.

Family of the Quarter
This is an excellent program to help our wonderful families shine in this crazy world. This is also a resume/interview type competition except it's for families. A family can be a husband and wife; husband, wife, and child; mother and child; or father and child. What a great way to praise the Jaycee family!

Jaycee Jeopardy
Jaycee history plays a big role in the way our organization began and is conducted today. This is competition on the Jaycee history. Questions are taken from the "Legacy of Leadership" book written by John W. Clark. It is a written test and the top five participants play a final round like Jeopardy. Know your history!

First Timers
This is for those new Jaycees that have never attended a conference before. This is an excellent way to meet as many people as possible. A great networking tool! There is a set of pages that you get to ask people to sign. As you introduce yourself (helps with those icebreakers), you ask if they will sign your sheet. The first timer with the most signatures wins the award and is asked to sit at the head table at lunch at the next conference. Lots of fun!

Bama Brigade
The Bama Brigade is the corps group of the Alabama Jaycees. Your chapter can nominate you for this great honor after five years of service to your chapter. This means that you will have a LIFETIME membership in the Alabama Jaycees. A honor indeed!!

JCI Senate
The JCI Senate is an association for the Junior Chamber International. Your chapter also nominates you for this honor. This requires seven to ten years contributions to your home chapter. Then you are a member of the Junior Chamber International for LIFE! A great attribute for a young person!

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