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These are all the people I have met while chatting in the Halloween Party:

Ping ~ near London, UK
Wolfman¹ ~ originally Canada, now Qingdao, China
Scully (Sculls) ~ Toronto, Canada
Kelly ~ NZ
daran ~ Queensland, Oz
Rude ~ somewhere in the UK
iconoclast (aka Blank Luke) ~ North Yorkshire, UK
Brightly ~ Adelaide, Oz
Bride Of Suicide (aka Åñal§ui¢ide™) ~ Perth, Oz
LORDofDARKNESS (aka LOD) ~ originally Perth, Oz
PolythenePam (aka MystressMarilyn aka CinnamonGirl) ~ Florida, USA
Vampyre Girl (aka The Vampyre Bitch) ~ Melbourne, Oz
Firedawg™ (aka FIREBALL aka PyroPuppy) ~ ??
Crysania ~ Bendigo, Oz
spark ~ ??
Åxis™ ~ originally Bendigo, Oz
Avelina ~ Brisbane, Oz
BUG ~ ??
bethany (aka twissy) ~ ??
DANNY (aka aintiadog) ~ Brisbane, Oz
Ophelia (aka £ådy Çðrdëlïå™) ~ Townsville, Oz
Acid Rayne ~ Texas, USA
-=WISHMASTER=- (aka FLÅMÏNG DRËÃMS) ~ Southern California, USA
Highway666 (aka †heCour†Jes†er) ~ Illinois, USA
Jerry Seinfeld (aka MORK aka ÝwitchÝ) ~ ??
Oops! ~ ??
Psylocybe ~ ??
celtic girl ~ originally Cardiff, Wales now Sydney, Oz
BooRab ~ ??
APHRODITE ~ Winston Hills, Oz
HeavenlyHelen (aka SuperGuppie) ~ UK
Braggwen ~ Brisbane, Oz
Jerry Springer ~ ??
Dark Embrace (aka AlBi's Brick) ~ Brisbane, Oz
horse (aka technopagan) ~ Newcastle, Oz


These are chatters who have deserted their Halloween comrades
for the non-cyber world of reality:

Reverend ~ England
oranges ~ originally Oz
ugly bloke (uggers) ~ England, UK
Male Slut (slutty) ~ UK
M@GNUM (aka I LOVE LIZZI™) ~ Holland
LIZZI ~ originally USA, now Holland
Georgi (Geo) ~ Wisconsin, USA
kess ~ Melbourne, Oz
Misery Chastain ~ Scotland
BHG ~ New York, USA
(V)ulder ~ Stoke, England
Emma ~ Scotland
expired ~ Queensland, Oz
megs ~ Brisbane, Oz
magenta (mags) ~ Melbourne, Oz
Tickle (f) ~ ??
Miss Thang ~ ??
pearoneeka (pear aka moonmer) ~ a Canadian slumming it in dreary old Ireland
SW ~ Oz
Busan ~ Sweden
iKaruS ~ ??
ZackÐeLa§moka (aka Zaxl Rose aka «Gأз°·ÐµŠ†» aka †/\/\ø®phêøûš†) ~ USA
Majestic™ (aka Priñçe Ålåriç™ aka ~G¤Ð ¤ƒ ÇhŤ§™~) ~ originally Perth, Oz
JOLT!MAN (aka Don Joltarano, etc.) ~ California, USA
buttocks (aka butt not fair, etc.) ~ Derby, UK
STORM (f) ~ South Africa
Scubagirl ~ ??
ghostbuster/f ~ somewhere in the UK
Knight (aka Knight ® Lite™) ~ sunny South Africa
Winte® I©e ™ ~ South Africa
Crimson ~ ??
88 ~ ??
Candy Gal ~ ??
afterglow ~ ??
Gatsby ~ Florida, USA
Craven™ ~ Florida, USA
whitecap ~ ??
Euphoria ~ ??
Jack Daniels (JD) ~ ??
Thomps (aka in a cubical) ~ ??
umbrella ~ ??
Lady Dark (Lady D) ~ UK, maybe Manchester?
SoftLEY Spoken ~ Springwood, Oz
nepenthe™ ~ ??
~Black†Silk~ (aka ~Sweet†Devil~) ~ Newcastle, Oz
spartacus ~ ??
Alexis ~ ??
Amy ~ ??
Pyrrhic ~ ??
ElfMaid (aka DevilCabanaGirl, ApathysHandMaid, EnnuisHaremGirl, AngstPaperDoll, CamusLoveChild, XistentialBitch, NihilisticShrew, DaughterOfAvalon) - ??
Mark ~ Scotland
ç§blaster (Assy) ~ ??

Links to Sites created by Halloween Chatters

Blue Squiggly Line

Ping's Home Page ~ come worship at the site of the Queen of Halloween!!
The Rev's Page ~ a little bit funky, and a little bit frightening ...
Georgi's Page ~ not enough "g"s in gorgeous, to describe this gal
Majestic's Page ~ Mills and Boon eat your heart out!!
Zackdela§moka's Page ~ the place to go when you want a Zack attack
Firedawg's Page ~ ssssssssssssssssssssmoking!!
Bride Of Suicide's Page ~ now this site is definitely cute, just like its creator
Lady Dark's Page ~ sign the guestbook, or she will haunt you forever ...
iconoclast's Page ~ a finger tingling experience
Gatsby's Page ~ served to you by the barkeeper from Hall
PID's Page ~ gives me the feeling someone's been playing one too many games of DOOM ...
Highway's Page ~ see the many faces of Highway
Moon Childe's Page ~ dark and dangerous
WISHMASTER's Page ~ when my site grows up I want it to be like WISHY's (but without frames!)
nepenthe's Page ~ a page full of html tricks and treats

Another Blue Squiggly Line