Welcome to my website. I'm glad you decided to stop by and visit.
This site is my little piece of cyberspace--a place where I can showcase my creative talents to the world at large.
A bit about me...
I've been writing fiction since around 1993, focusing a lot of my time on Transformers related fan fiction. I created several TF fanzines in the nineties, including Trans-Scrypt, Trans-Fusion and Prime. I was also responsible for doing a lot of the story and production on the TF: Balance of Power fanzine. Additionally, I have done several other TF fanfics, such as co-writing Children of the Void and a current series called Heroes and Legends.
In addition to my more well known fandom efforts, I have written several non-TF short stories, adapted my Light Odyssey story into a novella (available here) and am currently working on a second full length novel.
I have been drawing since I was a kid and am also a decent artist
(although not a professional by any means). I’ve drawn all my TF
profile art as well as most of my TF fanzine cover artwork.
Feedback for my creative efforts is always welcome. Did you like something? Hate it? Have a question? Feel free to contact me and let me know (tkphoton at hotmail dot com).
Hear the Thunder...
Available NOW! Tales of the Destara: The Light Odyssey. My
first ever novella! You can order a copy at my new Lulu store here. .
October 22/09
--Uh-oh! Where did all the banner ads on this site go? Oh well, I guess this site doesn't have any annoying advertisements anymore. Yes, you're welcome. :)
It's been twelve years since the very first incarnation of this site appeared (on Geocities at the time and with its old name). The original website was started October 3, 1998. Yay, me! :)
Hear the Thunder...