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How to play golf ?

What we should we do ?

You need a golf ball and a golf club and two gloves. You can have a cart if you want to. You hit a ball hard then you maybe you could make a hole in one. Or you might land on the green spot. Or you make a soft one very careful and hit the ball soft. When your finished get the ball and return the golf cart that you rented and take a rest. Before you take a rest put every thing away. Put the golf club and the golf ball some ware kids can’t play it then you can tack a rest.

Don't Try Too Hard

''Don't try to hard to hole every put. A ''must make'' attitude puts too much pressure on your stroke. Just do your best to get the correct line and speed, then roll the ball at the hole on that line.'' - Ben Crenshaw

keep it simple

One secret to scoring better with your pitches is sticking to a simple, consistent setup and swing. For all short shots, I stand open, play the ball in the middle of my feet with my hands ahead, and put most of my weight on the left foot.

Chip Tip

The key to consistently hitting chips close is learning to vary your club selection. Use the club that will carry the ball over the fringe, landing it three feet onto the green, and let it roll to the hole.


Balance, without it you will have no control. Without control, you will have no accuracy, distance or direction. Strive to remain in control of your golf shots. In order to do this, you must have balance.

Into Proper Distance

Here's an easy way to figure how far you should stand from the ball with each club. While standing erect extend the club waist high horizontally in front of you. Now bend from the hips until the club rests on the ground. The club will now be resting the proper distance from your body.

hold your head up

So much has been made about keeping your head down. Most golfers try too hard to hold their head with their chin almost touching their neck. Instead concentrate on holding your chin up. This will allow for a fuller shoulder turn which will generate more power.

spine angle

The secret to finding and maintaining a proper spine angle is simple: Bend from your hips, not your waist. A 30-degree angle between your back and legs is ideal. Bend at the waist and your weight will move too far out onto your toes making balance difficult.

Divot Dilemma

If your ball lands in an old divot hole, play the ball back in your stance, square the clubface to the target and hit down on the ball with plenty of wrist action.

Pitching Over A Pond

To avoid getting anxious about hitting over the water, try concentrating on the top of the flagstick. This mental strategy takes your mind off the water and ensures that you get to the hole by making the margin between your target and the hazard bigger.

Stay Dry

Keeping one's hands and grips dry is a never ending problem. Try corn starch. Rub corn starch on your hands and glove to keep them dry and minimize sweating.

Works great five laws of ball flight

  • The clubhead's path influences a shot's initial direction.
  • The closer to the center of a club's sweetspot the ball is struck, the farther and straighter it will travel.
  • The direction the clubface points at impact influences a shot's in-flight curvature.
  • Clubhead speed affects distance.
  • The steepness of the club's path approaching impact affects the creation of backspin, which in turn affects distance and curvature