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nuclear power
Friday, April 1, 2005
nuclear power
Mood:  a-ok
I am studing the way that nuclear power works. I got some benefits and problems of nuclear power. the problems are background radiation. Some of the background radiation is the sun,soil,water,and plants. Where ever we are there is radiation there. Our body's tissue has adapted to the low levels of natural nuclear radiation. High levels of radon gas can be dangerous. You could get a radon gas detector to monter the radon gas in your house. Nuclear radiation can cause genetic mutations. This is the benefits of nuclear radistion. Our smoke alarms in your house has nuclear radiation called alpha paricles. Nuclear radiation is also a therapy. It is used to treat cancer and tumors. Radioactive tracers are short-lived isotopes.Radioactive tracers are put into you to see if there is no cancer or tumors are in you.

Posted by ak5/ericcotterman at 11:14 AM EST
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