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                 He aint finished just yet... 
After Battle Lines, many wondered what Paul Heyman would have in store for his first Exile with limited talent, and Paul Heyman prevailed nicely. He showed the world that Turmoil doesn't stand a chance as long as he's in control, but just when he thought things couldn't get any better, his world champion emerged from Hell, and entered Exile with a Vengeance. Heyman had fired Raven after Battle Lines so, he was not about to face Taz alone. Sid Vicious wasn't 100% after the Tazmission from the Pay Per View, so as Heyman was leaving, he was met by a Garbage truck?? That's right, the Truck rolled in, picked up Heymans car with him and Sid inside of it, and dumped it into the trash compactor, but then Taz the unthinkable... he set the truck on fire! Taz's revenge may have been sweet but it was just as brutal as the first time we saw it at Battle Lines ..

Last Updated: August 4th, 2003

Exile Results | Exile Card

             Exile adds a championship to it's show... 
In addition to the Exile World, The Exile United States championships, the Exile brand has added one more Exile only championship..... The AWE Television championship, which will be awarded to the winner of the three way dance between Test, Christopher Nowinski and Steven Richards next week on Exile. A strong card is already lined up for next Monday night, but this match seems to be the focus on everyone's mind. With three of AWE's up and coming strong stars, this match should be nothing short of spectacular. Initially a tournament was held, but Test, Richards and Nowinski just impressed the hell out of Paul Heyman so he had no choice but to put these three in a match for the belt, and that's exactly what they did. A new champion guaranteed next week, and it should be awesome! 



                    The Tournament Begins!! 
The AWE Turmoil world title (formally the pathetic PWO World Title) finally has some meaning to it. Ted Dibiase stole Paul Heymans PWO Championship belt and is said to have had it re-polished and totally remade into a Turmoil World Heavyweight title. Now the tournament begins. 8 of Turmoil's finest begin their long road to immortality. The main event next week is slated to be Rob Van Dam verses Mike Sanders, but just about any match could steal the show, with such a hot card planned. Who is going out on top and taking the first step to championship history. Find out August 7th on the first ever edition of Turmoil, live on UPN!


© AWE Copyrighted 2003 by Jason King & Simon OMant