TMP - The Metallica Page
Metallica Headquarter's is back. Due to some intresting news that was brought to me by the webmasters of onemetallica.f2s.com, and The Met Page.com (TMP), I have decided to bring back the original name of this site. They informed me that the webmaster of MHQ.com has been causing trouble with other guys such as MOFMetallica.com and The Met Page.com. So everyone, welcome back to Metallica Headquarters. If you are a true fan of this site, please take a moment of your time to send the webmaster of mhq.com a letter and tell him to leave the REAL MHQ alone and to get his own name. Click here to send him an e mail. Tell him how sad it is that his .com site feels threatened by an angelfire.com site.
January 17 - Good Bye Jason
November 6 - Online Winners
November 6 - Metallica Sampled
September 9 - Awards for Metallica at MTV?
September 9 - Lars at the MTV Awards