This links page lists all the scriptures used in the writing of the
WORD FOR TODAY daily devotionals. The Scripture Indexes will now be posted on Lectionary Index. The links will take you directly to the writing you seek from devotions between August 1999 and July 2006. Duplicate links mean that the scripture was used on more than one occasion.
You are welcome to use these words to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Please remember to give credit to the Author, the Lord God Almighty, who has given you these gifts, and keep in remembrance this vessel, Peggy Hoppes, which He used to bring them to you. We pray that this site may be a blessing to you and anyone with whom you've shared it.
Throughout the writing of the WORD, I have discovered there are subjects that require several days to cover completely. These links will take you directly to the first day of each of these series.
SCUBA Diving offered an interesting look into the subject of seeking God. This series ran from August 8-11, 1999.
Seeking God
A trip to London provided an exciting adventure of observing God in our world. This series ran from September 5-11, 1999.
Observing God
The book of Ecclesiastes discusses God's Time. This series ran from October 1-8, 1999.
Ecclesiastes Series
An exciting trip on a military aircraft offered an interesting view into Living Life in God. This series ran from October 15-22, 1999.
Living Life
The Proverbs 31 woman shows us the virtues of a godly woman. This series explores the lives of six women who each displayed one of those virtues. This series ran from November 14-20, 1999.
Virtuous Women
The Year 2000 is bringing change all around the world, including within the church. This series explores our past as a model for the future. This series ran from January 16-23, 2000. A Past with a Future
We spent Holy Week reading about the final days of Jesus' life, his death, resurrection and his ascension. This series ran from April 15-26, 2000.
Holy Week
Romans 12:4-8 provided the basis for a series on seven of the spiritual gifts given by God to His children. This series ran from August 14-22, 2000.
Spiritual Gifts
The tabernacle of Moses provides an earthbound witness to the character of God that is brought to life in our Lord Jesus Christ. This nine part series explores the "I AM" statements of Jesus found in the book of John. This series ran from November 4-12, 2000.
Character of God
The patterns of farming give us a better understanding of why the word flourishes in some people but does not grow in others. This six day series about the Parable of the Sower ran from January 15-20, 2001.
Seeds of Truth
The walk with Jesus during Holy Week 2001 was another look at the scriptures that speak about our Lord's passion. This series ran from April 8-16, 2001.
Jesus' Passion
James 4:7-10 gives us an understanding of God's will in our lives - a will that we should live according to His Word rather than the ways of the world. This series ran from July 27 - August 9, 2001.
God's Will
Peter tells us that God has given his great and precious promises so that we might live in faith. 2 Peter 1:5-7 shows us how. This series ran from January 22- 29, 2002.
Living Faith
The miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are recalled as the youth of our church traveled to Mexico and Texas on a mission trip. This series ran from August 2 - 11, 2002.
Gifted for Mission
Jesus turned the world upside down with His teaching about true happiness. The Beatitudes show us the blessedness that comes from life in Christ. This series ran from September 11 - 19, 2002.
Beautiful Attitudes
Advent is a time to look at the story of God as it points toward the coming of the Messiah. From December 1 - 25, 2002, we used the traditional Jesse Tree to see God's plan in action.
Advent Journey
James 3:17-18 describes the characteristics of the wisdom that comes from heaven. Through faith in Christ that wisdom flows from believers to the world. This series ran from January 22-31, 2003.
Wisdom That Flows
The Old and New Testaments provide multiple witness to the wisdom of God as we live our lives. This series compared the words of Jesus and the disciples to the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. This series ran from June 1-30, 2003.
Two Witnesses
Names mean something, often defining a person's character and purpose. During Advent 2007 we looked at the names of God and how He has revealed Himself to the world.
Advent: The Names of God
When researching, I use several versions of the bible, including the New International Version and English Standard Version. Due to copyright restrictions, I have not included quotes for the scriptures on some of the archives, but highly encourage you to open your own bibles to read the scripture passages for yourselves. Where scripture is quoted, it is usually the American Standard Version or World English Bible which belong to the public domain. Any other versions used in quotes are identified.
Last updated on November 1, 2006
I do not update this page with new links to the scriptural references of writings since August 2006. You can find some links at Lectionary Index.