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The Order of AKANDE is an organized society composed of men and women. We adhere strictly to our creed...."To attain knowledge of self, for the upliftment of self, family and the community."

Through the education of a Kemetian (Ancient Egyptian) philosophy, individuals develop morally and spiritually, attain leadership skills and enjoin a society governed by a set of core values. This allows us to broaden our understanding about ourselves and makes us more capable of helping each other. With these values, we as people of Afrikan descent can ameliorate our present standing within the community. We foster familyhood because without it there will exist severe limitations towards achieving self empowerment.

The Order of AKANDE aims to provide service to the community. Through our service to build community and educational programming, we of AKANDE dedicate ourselves to being agents of our collective development.

Mission Statement -- History -- She Is Woman -- Self Made Man -- Photos -- Links Page -- Chat

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