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Industrial and Other Classes

Class (M40) / M44

There have been a number of reports of Hungarian built locomotives being assigned or delivered to Albania, but there is little firm evidence as to the exact situation.

For some time there was a report that Ganz-Mavag delivered on 30 September 1959 one DVM 2 Bo'Bo' DE locomotive (same as MAV M44) to Albimport for HSH. It is now believed that this locomotive was active in Albania for an unknown period of time, since when there has been no further trace of it.

It has also been reported that in 1967 a locomotive from class M40 was ordered from Ganz-Mavag, but there is no reported trace of this in Albania. It is believed that the order was cancelled or traded to another country before being delivered to Albania.

Track Repair and Yard Shunters
Two self-propelled machines have been noted at Shkozet Works in the early 1990s.

1)Self-propelled track maintanence wagon, flat wagon with cabin at on end,  red.

2)Small 4-wheel centre-cab, shunting locomotive, red - in derelict condition.

There is also a large Breakdown Crane (based Shkozet).

Contractors Locomotives

Operational(apx 1995-1997), based Sukth (2):

Henschel 29969/1959, Henschel 30323/1961

One of these carries Italian Private registration number BAT6532.

Owned and operated by Fersalento of Lecce, Italy. Temporarily in Albania for track refurblishment project.

Fersalento also has track machines working from Sukth: a Plasser & Thuerer K-355, a Matisa B-242, a Matisa C-330 and several wagons.

It is believed that Fersalento's locomotives and other plant were damaged during the unrest of early 1997 and now may have been replaced.

A number of track machines were noted at Shkozet in March 2001.

Narrow Gauge and other Industrial Locomotives

Narte Salt Flats Railway (600mm)

Faur (Uzinele "23 August", Bucharest) 0-6-0 diesel-hydraulics (Polish type Lyd2).


One of three Lyd2 locomotives preserved on the Welsh Highland Railway; they are similar to those at Narte. Photo: Andrew Goodwin

(458) (459) (...),

Three of these locomotives were found in October 1996 in a derelict condition, but no trace could be found of them in 2008. It is believed that two of them were 458 and 459 from the SIMS system.

For more information on Lyd2 locomotives see The Lyd2 Pages by Andrew Goodwin.

Narte HSH Yard

Ageve (AB Gavle Vagnverkstad ,Sweden) 0-4-0 diesel-hydralics.

Type DHL-60 M10 (600mm)

456  457

These also originate from the SIMS system and were found derelict off-rails in the HSH yard at Narte (October 1996), but were no longer there in June 2008.

SIMS - Societa Italiana delle Miniere di Selenizza

The system (built as 950mm, part converted to 600mm) has been dismanted. Two Lyd2-type (458,459), two Ageve DHL-60 (456,457) locomotives are now in the Narte area (see above). Three type Las steam locomotives (numbered 01-03) worked on the line until the mid-1980's. Parts of narrow gauge steam locomotives can be found at Shkozet. Further details on the SIMS page.

Other locations

Several industrial plants and mines had their own locomotives, both standard and narrow gauge. Most of these are now out of service. At least one mine had an overhead electric system.
There was a small narrow gauge (400mm) Pioneer Railway in a park in Tiranë, it is now dismantled.
It is rumoured that Tiranë has or had an type of underground railway system. There is believed to be an extensive network of tunnels linking the main government and military complexes in and around the city, one unconfirmed report states that a narrow gauge railway operated in these tunnels.
Three further Ageve DHL locomotives (1 DHL-15 and 1 DHL-30) have been reported as delivered to Albania.

Reports of other steam locomotives

Two Polish Class Okl27 locomotives have been reported as having been sent to Albania.

Two ex-FS Gr.728 locomotives have been reported as having been sent in 1947 from Yugoslavia.

Parts of one DRB class 98 steam locomotive (98.713) have been noted at Shkozet.

One Hungarian-built MAV type 324 locomotive that arrived from CFR Romania was recorded at derelict at Shkozet in 1985, its' identity has been reported as both 324.504 and 324.505.

Parts of a Polish-built Px48 600mm narrow gauge steam locomotive have been found at Shkozet. Three of these are reported as having been delivered from Poland (two of which came second-hand via China).

Locomotives numbered 73 and 75 were reported in 1985.

Locomotive Summary
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Diesel Index
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