Now Playing: Pain Relief for X-Trainers

Photo: Topricin products, Pain Relief Cream in Pump Bottle & Travel Sizes, Glucosamine Supplement & Totally Calcium Brand absorbable calcium supplements.
As the days grow cooler you may begin to notice aches and pains previously masked by the warm summer sun. One of the best things to do during the fall x-training season is to layer your clothing. Early morning walks or cycling start off cool and may add to muscle discomfort later on.
Topricin Anti-Infammatory & Healing Cream
Another thing that can help is to use a good pain relief lotion before starting your workout. The physical rubbing helps to improve blood flow to the muscles and an Arnica based lotion will help ward off aches later on. I've used Topricin throughout the summer and can say that I wouldn't leave home without it now. Not only do my joints function better on the road but there is no soreness afterward. I am able to push myself a little more each time which is great especially when you don't have to pay for it later!
I have really appreciated the super pump bottle Topricin for quick and easy one handed applications. Likewise the travel size body and foot creams are great for trips, tours and should be included in the Adventure Medical Kit featured here last week.
Topricin's Healthy Joint Function Glucosamine

I demand a lot of my body so I've been doing Glucosamine supplementation for quite some time. I have traditionally used liquid supplements because really they are the most absorbable. Still they had to be measured, poured and mixed each morning. They also have to be refrigerated. I began using Topricin Healthy Joint Function as a complement to the Topricin Cream applications over the season and have to say that I don't miss the liquid glucosamine at all.
The synergistic combination of the topically applied cream and this dietary supplement has helped my joints immensely allowing more freedom of movement and less stiffness. I would like to add that implementing an alkaline diet is also helpful in dealing with inflammation which is often the source of arthritis and muscle pain. Topricin is available at many drugstores and retailers such as Wegman's & Whole Foods. See the Polar Bottle - Eat Clean Diet Cookbook Give-Away post to enter and learn how important this is.
Totally Calcium Absorbable Calcium
Totally Calcium is formulated to be 100% soluble and 100% absorbable. This is really a break through calcium supplement. One of the problems with most calcium carbonate, citrate and lactate products is that they are not readily broken down. These cheaper forms may end up in soft tissue, showing up as kidney stones and even worse, calcification build up in the arteries of the heart.
Totally Calcium is completely tasteless and can be added to either hot or cold beverages, soups or dishes. 120 mgs of Calcium in each packet means you'll be able to use all of the elemental calcium which is best taken in small doses. What I especially like is the little travel pack included with the one month supply. If you are traveling or taking a bike tour, you can take a few packets along and add them to your water bottle. Your muscles will certainly thank you for it after a long day on the road!
TIP: Calcium is best taken at night before bed. This means more of the calcium will be absorbed into the bones because the muscles are not competing for it for active lactic acid displacement. You'll also sleep SO much better!
Updated: Friday, 5 November 2010 4:38 PM EDT
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