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Bamacutie's mIRC Graphic's

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The following are links to the original text files in which these graphics were delivered.

BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v. 1 awesome, barney, babytend, bday, bfly, boobgift, bootiful, bozo, budweis, cave, caveman, cherries, cupid9, devilnew, diver, eagler~1, eagleswp, kiwi, enrgizer, foxy, grapes.
BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v.2 jokers, kinky, kissfrog, kitrat, lilgirl, luvya, mayabee, mdoc, mixedrnk, moonshin, msquare, mstars, mswans2, name, nana2, nanana, nwatch, notdrunk, octopus, peace, pervert, pie, pigfly, powder
BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v.3 Peacock, Peas, PeasNpod, Ragdoll, Rhinofun, Romeo, Screw, Seal, SkateB, ..SkinDip: SlpyHrny, Snake, Soup, StrBerry, Sunshine, Sylvster, Team, ThumbUp, Toys, Tulips, TurnFrog, UmyBear, Unicorn, UsedBear, Whale, Witchy

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"Bamacutie's mIRC Graphic's":

Created: 28 May, 1998 - Carol Whyte.

(C) April, 1997 Maya (Bamacutie). All Rights Reserved. Maintained in New Zealand.
