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How do the body systems work together to keep us alive???

You are a member of the first human body expedition team. You are going to enter the human body to explore five of its most important systems.

You will be working in research teams of five. Each member of the team will choose one system for in-depth exploration.

    Body Systems:
  1. The Digestive System
  2. The Respiratory System
  3. The Circulatory System
  4. The Skeletal System
  5. The Muscular System
At this time, gather in groups of five, and choose which system you will explore. You will answer questions found on the process page relating to your topic by using the links provided.

Your team will create a PowerPoint presentation detailing the job of each body system, and how they work together. You will use the information gathered while answering your questions to help complete this assignment. Please include pictures and images that you find during your exploration.