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Pretty Ricky

So Sexy Spectacular
Monday, 9 May 2005
My Oh-So Sexy Spectacular
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Pretty Ricky: Grind on Me
Topic: Pretty Ricky
Spectacular is exactly how his name describes him, spectacular, he is so sexy and has the sexiest voice. Even his hair is sexy! He has a really nice complection, kind of like lil jon's complextion and kinky twist ( the boy kind ) He looks a little like Tengo Redd to me!! But he is sexy for real!!! If I got a chance to meet him I would
1. Take 20 pictures with him
2. ask him out on a date to the movies
3. cuddle him when the movie gets scary!! j/p
4. Call him
5. what ever comes next.....

But I am Truly His number 1 Fan!!!! I love him dearly with all my heart, I also have love for Pleasure but that is a totally different story!

Posted by ab8/spectacularfan at 9:50 PM EDT
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