'Eternity' by web-artist Tony Fling. (https://www.angelfire.com/sc2/artist) Used without permission

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Anema's Profile
Name: Anema
Age: (at the beginning of "Realisation") 13
Birthday: March 28th
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: 11 inches, madrone wood and phoenix feather
Blood: Pure blood
Role in Ravenclaw: Descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw's dragon tamer
Anema's descendant whom was alive at the time of Rowena Ravenclaw was widely know to be Rowena's 'dragon tamer'. Muggles who were afraid of her parents and their magic murdered them, and, thinking that it would be best if their daughter died at the hands of the 'evil' [dragons] that her parents worshipped, left Anema's ancestor at the foot of a dragon's cave. The female dragoness inside had however, just given birth. And in some manner, mistaking the child for one of her clutch, decided to raise the child. Being raised along side her newfound 'siblings', she grew up, learning the ability to turn into a dragon. The ability was passed down the generations, through to Anema.
Powers: The ability to turn into a small dragon.
Weaknesses: The cold
Best Classes: Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Flying Classes
Worst Classes: History of Magic, Divination.
Likes: Helping friends, and proving enemies wrong. Learning charms, and flying at night.
Dislikes: Not getting enough sleep, not knowing what's going on. Being wrong and getting lectured.
Appearance: Tall, skinny and flat-chested. Anema has short brown hair, big violet eyes that turn green when she is mad, and a small mouth.
Personality: Kind and helpful, but impatient
Hopes for the future: To finish school and work with dragons and other magical creatures.