'Eternity' by web-artist Tony Fling. (https://www.angelfire.com/sc2/artist) Used without permission

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Fanfiction Index
So, here is the archive for all Raceme fanfiction. Normally authors would be the characters from Raceme, but if you as a reader would like to submit a fic, then email Becky, and let her read it.
If you would like to submit a fic for the archive, please make sure that it has good spelling and grammar, has preferably been beta read (Becky is willing to oblige at a pinch), and basically reads well. Please give your fic the rating (following the US film ratings) and warnings appropriate to it. Most subject matter is welcome, but there will be no (and I mean NO) sexual stories revolving around characters below the age of consent. IE, no Beth/Anyone, or any of the children below that age (usually 18 for homosexual sex, 16 for heterosexual. Kissing, fumbling, etc is OK, but no sex of any description)
There are indeed slash stories, and stories that could easily be disturbing to some, so please check up on uncertain terms before proceeding to read a fic. We take no responsibility if you read a fic without understanding any attatched warnings. Check up on your terms at this site here, a really good fanfiction dictionary (albeit I seem to like song-fics more than the webmistress)
This is the rule of reading fanfiction here:
Don't flame it, you read it, you chose to, don't like it? Sorry, your problem!
But aside from that, have fun!
Please remind yourself of the terms and conditions of this site, which you agreed to upon entering
Failure to read these terms does not exempt you from complying with them.

Stories by title
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Author: Trisana
Genre: Angst/Romance -SLASH-
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: It's cannon with a part in "Requiem"- with Phoebe sleeping and Tris recovering from her torture with Riddle. Songfic to "Breathing" by Lifehouse.
"It had been such a simple act. Breathing. Falling in love..."
Centred on Tris, some focus on Phoebe.
Author's Comments: My 1st slash fic. Yep. That's all you gotta know. Don't flame. It's YOUR choice to read this. YOUR CHOICE.

"Concrete Angel"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: Spans from pre-Realisation to during Requiem. There are some things that Phoebe has never told anyone. Some secrets are just too painful to tell. Heavy issues and mature content. Songfic to "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride
Author's Comments: This one has taken me since Christmas to complete...near on four months...lol

Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: General
Rating: G
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: Phoebe's thoughts as she waits for Tris to tell her the results of the crystal test
Author's Comments: It's short! lol. Just a few thoughts I wanted to get out.

"Dawn Chorus"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Romance -SLASH-
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: A morning meeting between two people.
Author's Comments: Yes, this is another slashfic. Total fluff. My first ever attempt at fluff, so I'm interested to see what people think. The lyrics are from Martina McBride's "There You Are". I did intend to use all the lyrics and write a really long fic, but after I'd written for four lines, I thought it would stand on its own. I may well make this part of a group of stories, and write for the rest of the song. Let's see what people think of this one first.

"Empty Chairs At Empty Tables"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Angst/Drama/AU
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: What if the ending of Requiem had been completely different, and later, someone were to left to survive on their own? A songfic to "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables" from the fabulous Les Miserables.
Author's Comments: A very difficult story to write, but I did enjoy it. AU is always fun to do.

Author: Trisana
Genre: Angst, some slash hinted at
Rating:R...seriously folks, an R. This is really heavy stuff.
Summary: Post Hogwarts fic. (Warnings: Hints of drugs, angst, prostitution...do not even think about opening if you're not mature enough.)
Author's Comments:One of the weirdest and darkest fics I've ever had the opportunity of writing. It's a post-Hogwarts fic. Really dark, and odd, and just...odd.

"False Prophets"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: General, maybe a little angsty.
Rating: G/PG
Spoilers: None that spring to mind
Summary: A short ficlet from Phoebe's POV, pondering religion and the opinions that people have of her views.
Author's Comments:Wow, I actually wrote something in the first person! I almost never do that.

"Hands Clean"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for Reprobation.
Summary: VERY Pre-Realisation fic. Arien was the eldest daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw. She had many things written about her in history. But what of the story of Rowena's youngest daughter, Arden? The first in a series of stories about Arden, 'Hands Clean' is a songfic to the song by Alanis Morissette, and shows Arden at sixteen.
Author's Comments: I do love this story. It took me forever to write though, but I am very glad that I did, since later stories are going to give me the opportunity to explain a lot of questions that I feel the main Raceme stories left unanswered.

"I am Timeless"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Drama
Rating: G
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: Ever wondered what went through Phoebe's mind those nights in May before the end of Requiem? Here she mulls over everything that has happened, and the future. A songfic to Martina McBride's "One Day You Will"
Author's Comments: This was interesting to write, it came to me very, very quickly. I feel it is quite a tender and loving story, which I am quite proud of.

"I Just Want You To Know"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: G/PG
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: A look at one of the major events of Requiem through someone else's eyes. A songfic to The Goo Goo Dolls' song "Iris"
Author's Comments: This just came to me very suddenly after I was blessed with the ability to download MP3s once more. Someone told me to download this, and bam, I was inspired.

Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Romance -SLASH-
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Summary: Phoebe visits Tris for her graduation, leading to a descision between the two....a step is made.
Author's Comments: Basically PWP. Smut, and f/f content. Song by the wonderful, wonderful Darren Hayes *sighs dreamily*

"Love is a Two-Way System"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Romance -SLASH-
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: Almost a sequel to 'Utopian Dreams', this is a quick fic about the first night of Phoebe's tour.
Author's Comments: Again, slightly AU. It would help to read 'Utopian Dreams' first. A songfic to 'Your Song', originally by Elton John, but I wrote this to Ewan McGregor's version from 'Moulin Rouge!'. Again, full of fluff, so it's almost a marshmallow

"Open Fire (on my knees for you)"
Author: Trisana
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None really
Summary: ooh! angsty fic, what a surprise! i'm obsessed with silverchair, so naturally, a songfic is born. tris based. she's succumbs to the voice that is Ana, and she succumbs to the obsession of Phoebe...quite dark. Songfic to 'Ana's Song' by Silverchair. anorexic thoughts, obsession

Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: AU/Angst
Rating: R
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: An AU story based on events in Requiem.
Author's Comments: This is without a doubt my darkest Raceme fic to date. Rather morbid, I suggest you take note of the rating. Inspiration drawn partly from the Lifehouse song "Sick Cycle Carousel"

Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Drama/Romance -SLASH-
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: A songfic to "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias. A missing scene from 'Requiem'
Author's Comments: Gotta say, I just really like this. And there I was promising myself that I wouldn't like this song either. ^_^

"Sick Cycle Carousel"
Author: Trisana
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: End of Requiem
Summary: A songfic, full of angst and all that jazz. Song by Lifehouse. It's a disturbing look into the inner workings of Tris's mind. I wouldn't recommend reading it if you're really squemish.
Author's Comments: My 1st fic in a long time. ^_^. I was really moody at the time I wrote it. It came to me after I purchased the Lifehouse CD. Like the plot bunny slapped me across the face. Oh well, enjoy reading it, and don't flame me for what happens.

"the party girl"
Author: Trisana
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG - really very tame
Spoilers: Requiem
Summary: A quick moment of contemplation
Author's Comments: A very quick, short, angst-y fic. Tris is the only character in this fic, she's the she that's being spoken about. Oh, and everything is supposed to be in lowercase. That's the style for the fic.

"Utopian Dreams"
Author: Becky Thomson
Genre: Romance -SLASH-
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Summary: Slighly AU, where parts of 'Requiem' never happened. A big pile of fluff, songfic to "I Miss You" by Incubus (yey Incubus! ^_^)
Author's Comments: I'm not sure this came out as good as it could have been, but I think it's ok all the same. Very fluffy, almost marshmallow.