Fun In a Box

***ATTENTION!!! I've done tons of work on this site, and it's at a new location now. You can still see it here, but the COOL version is somewhere else, so go there from now on instead. It has frames though, which is why I'm still leaving this version. Some people can't see frames. If you like frames and cool stuff, go here.***

This is my web site. Parts of it you wont understand because I have this really odd (unique, if you will) sense of humor, that no one else gets. That's ok. Oh yeah and the slambook...uhm. Well that's really old. But I'm too lazy to change it, the questions are really weird, and there really is no logical explanation for them. I made it about 3 years ago. Maybe that's a logical explanation. I was 16. I've updated a lot recently, so I hope it's a better site now. Who knows.

Stuff About That Cool Band
Deep Thoughts by Allison
My Love List
My Thoughts on the Bible
Interviews With Guitarists
Orange County Supertones Pictures
Other Concert Pictures
The Grand Incredible Pictures
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