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Up Coming Events

FOR ALL TIME delayed until October 2002. Release date changed.

Web site going through renovations.

JULY 30, 2002

Due to Angelfire's action to limit free web site from 50 MB to 20 MB, we have had to dump our trailers from FOR ALL TIME and THREE ON A MATCH. We apologize on the behalf of Angelfire for the inconvenience. We are currently working on a revamped web site which is why you haven't seen an update for almost 8 months. So, please be patient with us. Thank you.

NOVEMBER 30, 2001
Well, I guess it was inevitable. Just when you think you might get something done, something else comes along that completely screws things up. But hey, that's amateur film making for ya. This, of course, is refering to our film FOR ALL TIME, which we scheduled to complete shoot this coming weekend. Unfortunately, due to more scheduling conflicts we will have to re-schedule shooting the final scene to sometime in January. READ MORE...

NOVEMBER 16, 2001
OH MY GOD!!! What is this? A new update from TEWS Entertainment? Where the hell have we been? Actually, we've been doing our "real" jobs and unfortunately film making had to be placed on the back burner. Well, we are back... for now, and you can check out the FOR ALL TIME page for news about that film. READ MORE...

The second FOR ALL TIME poster has been uploaded. READ MORE...

AUGUST 3, 2001
A NEW review of THREE ON A MATCH from John Simpson of the AMDB is now on-line. READ MORE...

JULY 26, 2001
The NEW FOR ALL TIME theatrical poster is now on-line. READ MORE...

JULY 25, 2001
NEW production pictures from the set of FOR ALL TIME are now on-line. READ MORE...

JULY 23, 2001
Principal photography on FOR ALL TIME continued this past weekend. READ MORE...

JULY 18, 2001
17 NEW behind-the-scenes pictures from the set of FOR ALL TIME have been uploaded. Click HERE to see them.

JULY 16, 2001
THREE ON A MATCH wins Best Short Film at the 2001 REwind Video Awards. READ MORE...

Principal photography of FOR ALL TIME continued this past weekend with two days of shooting. Click HERE for more news and video stills.

JULY 11, 2001
Well, the first annual International REwind Film Festival featuring only amateur and low budget films is well underway in Rapid City, South Dakota. To celebrate this momentous occasion a local new station ran a quick story about the festival featuring footage from two TEWS productions including OF FORTUNE AND GLORY and a big chunk of FOR ALL TIME. Even though we aren't there... we still are making a big impact of the amateur movie world with our World War II drama. Check out the QuickTime file of the story HERE

In other news... TEWS Entertainment will continue filming FOR ALL TIME this coming weekend with two days of shooting scheduled. We will be filming a scene between Scott Harris and his girlfriend Megan on Saturday and then on Sunday we will be shooting a farmers field segment with Tim Sullivan and Scott Harris. Click HERE for more on the shooting schedule.

JUNE 20, 2001

The official list of nominees for the 2001 REwind Video Awards have been announced. TEWS Entertainment is nominated for 4 REwind Awards. 3 for THREE ON A MATCH and 1 for FOR ALL TIME. Here is the breakdown.

- Best Short Film, producers ERIK WOODS and TIM SULLIVAN
- Best Actor, SCOTT HARRIS
- Best Costume

- Best Trailer

Note - The trailer for FOR ALL TIME was the only piece from this film entered. The film will be an official entree in the 2002 REwind Video Awards.

TEWS Entertainment would like to congratulate everyone who worked on THREE ON A MATCH. And a big congrats goes out to first time actor Scott Harris for his REwind Award nomination. Way to go!!!

You can see the official list by clicking HERE

JUNE 19, 2001
Well, I'm back from Seattle... and on my return I'm pleased to present the nominations for BEST SHORT FILM (under 45 minutes) at the 2001 REWIND VIDEO AWARDS...

2001 RMA'S - BEST SHORT NOMINEES (Under 45 Mins)
Dead Air - Bravado Entertainment
Oranges 5 - GMP Pictures
Voice of Reason - Random Foo Pictures

The was the only catergory announced on June 19th. More nomiations will be available in the up coming days. Congratulations to all that were involved in the making of THREE ON A MATCH.

MAY 30, 2001
First of all I want to apologise for the lack of updates. I was in Newfoundland for a couple of weeks and therefore was unable to update the page.

Review copies of THREE ON A MATCH were send to selected companies and we instantly heard back from our good friend C.C. Chapman at RANDOM FOO Pictures. Read his review of the film by clicking HERE.

MAY 4, 2001
16 new production pictures from the making of FOR ALL TIME have been loaded. READ MORE...

MAY 3, 2001
We are still revamping the site. All the main pages of each film have been completed though.

In the meantime we have uploaded a picture of Erik Woods and Tim Sullivan on the set of the recent spring action film "Exit Wounds." Click HERE for the picture.

Tomorrow, we will have 16 new behind-the-scenes pictures taken from the August 2000 filming of the FOR ALL TIME battle scene. And just to wet your whistle... here is a preview shot of what you might expect to see tomorrow. Click HERE. See ya tomorrow!

APRIL 27, 2001
Good day. We are currently revamping the entire web site. So if some pages look a little different and some links aren't working.... don't worry, we are working as fast as we can to give you the best possible TEWS web site experience. Please be patient. Thank you.

APRIL 26, 2001
THREE ON A MATCH update with composer Michael Tutton... READ MORE

APRIL 6, 2001
As promised, the THREE ON A MATCH teaser trailer is now on-line. Click HERE to check it out.

APRIL 5, 2001
We are still working on our TEWS new look web site but in the meantime why don't you check out the trailer for FOR ALL TIME by clicking HERE!

The THREE ON A MATCH teaser will be up tomorrow... I promise!

FEBRUARY 27, 2001
Hey folks... please take a moment and wish TEWS co-founder TIM SULIVAN a belated Happy Birthday. His birthday was on Feb. 23 and only now does his bestfriend have time to update the page and post this info. Nice friend I am, huh? Anyway, Happy Birthday buddy!
And if any of you are wondering where in the world is that THREE ON A MATCH trailer? Well, it will be digitized on Wednesday and up loaded Thursday. So there!
FEBRUARY 15, 2001
The NEW teaser poster for THREE ON A MATCH is now on-line. READ MORE...

FEBRUARY 15, 2001
Wally Fong, co-founder of REwind Video Magazine, has informed us via the REwind Video Forum that the REwind 4 highlighter featuring TEWS Entertainment is finally finished. Here is the... official... statement!

"The Highlighter for Tews is friggin' done. I am happy to say that the story runs about 14:30. The featurette for THREE ON A MATCH and FOR ALL TIME runs about 5:50. The whole issue of R4 is about half done now. Expected completion should be end of February and shipping by beginning of March."

Looking forward to it Wally!

FEBRUARY 7, 2000
More editing news from the production of THREE ON A MATCH. READ MORE...

JANUARY 29, 2001
The first cut of THREE ON A MATCH is complete. READ MORE...

JANUARY 23, 2001
It's been a month or so between updates and we have a bit of news to share with you.
First we have some bad news from the set of FOR ALL TIME. Due to scheduling conflicts and editing time on THREE ON A MATCH, producers Erik Woods and Tim Sullivan have decided to delay further production of FOR ALL TIME until April of this year. Although additional scenes have been filmed, they will be scraped and re-shot in the spring. The production was feeling a little rushed and the script was lacking that emotional charge the opening of the film gave us. The only scenes that will not be touch are the opening ten minutes which have been completed. Therefore FOR ALL TIME will not be entered in the 2001 REwind Awards.

This news frees up some time and lets producers Erik Woods and Tim Sullivan concentrate on completing THREE ON A MATCH for a scheduled March 2001 release. They will also be completing a teaser trailer which will premiere by the end of February. This film will be entered in the 2001 REwind Award and will be TEWS' only entry.

In other news, Erik and Tim has begun working on scripts for scheduled production in the summer of 2001. Some concepts include a modern-day witchcraft story... unlike the hokey teeny-bobber film "The Craft." They are also working on a new type of haunted house story with a neat little twist. Trust me, it won't be your run of the mill ghost story. Stay tuned for more news surrounding these up coming projects when the information becomes available.




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