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Well, if you want to quest, the first thing that you need to do is build up a reasonable amount of hit points (heh, sounds like the faq at Vampire Wars ) :) Anyway, after you build up 1 or 2k hit points, you need to go adventuring around the mud, exploring it, getting to know the areas, before you begin to questing. Your questing will go MUCH faster, if you have a pretty good idea of where you're going. Finally, be willing to barter/trade for directions/items, it's worth it.

I. Building up your character

You should work very hard, at building up your character, in hit points/mana/movement. Hit points are necessary for survival, they are your health. Mana will be necessary, for casting offensive spells, as well as summoning some mobs, while you're questing. Move is good, too, it helps a lot, when hunting mobs, and also the more move you have, the better is your celerity.

If you're serious about building up your stats, visit our pages on where the exp is, and how to bash.

II. Explore the Mud

You should really explore the mud, by seeing what all it has to offer. Exploring is more than just looking at the areas, it also involves reading all of the help screens, etc.

You should begin, by reading the help index, which is an index of all the helps that we have here. You should read each help carefully, and ask an immortal for explanation, if you need help. After this, you need to check out the areas that the mud has to offer. . .

When you get on the mud, type "areas" this command will show you all of the areas that the mud has to offer. One of the first things that you need to do is get dirs to all of these areas. Check the Vampire Wars main site, ask around, etc. Once you have dirs to all of these areas, you need to check each of these areas out, for yourself. Don't rely on someone else's experience. Your own mind is best. It is advised that you spend a few minutes wandering around the area, checking it out, and finding your way around, mayhaps even getting lost. Getting lost is not so bad, Instant gets lost all the time, lol. But, once you find your way, you're a more powerful mudder, and you'll be a much faster quester.

Exploring the mud first is a very smart thing to do. People don't realize how truly frustrating it is, for a newbie to asking where a moonstone is, or, directions on how to get to HTOS, or Galaxy, or Ultima, or Camelot. Don't be one who gets on the nerves of the smarter/older/more experienced players. Be knowledgeable, and instead of begging someone to tell you where the evil wight is, you'll know, for yourself.

III. Be Willing To Pay

You should be willing to pay for quest items. Don't just sit around, and expect someone to get the answer for free. Don't expect someone to give you directions to an area for free. Always be nice, and cordial. Lace your talk with pleases, and start off by stating that you're willing to pay. Trust me, it's quicker to pay 50 qp for an answer, or 100 qp for an hourglass, if you go ahead and complete your card, than it is to wait a half hour for a clannie to come on to kill it, or take that long getting morted repeatedly, to kill the mob. Directions are precious. If you don't know where the mob/area is, you could only luck upon it. Be willing to pay, be willing to pay, be willing to pay. Everything comes with a price, be willing to pay it.


Well, if you're completing your cards in a reasonable amount of time, you should strive for a minimum of 10 completions in an hour. That means that you're recharging a card at least every six minutes. Seems that placing 4 items on a card, and recharging a card, should be relatively easy to do, within 6 minutes. If you work at what we consider an "average" pace of questing, at a completion every 6 minutes, you could easily gain 500 quest points in an hours time. Of course, it would be much easier to meet this goal, if you actually explored the mud first, according to Step II above. Enjoy questing!

In conclusion, we at Nosferatu hope that you gain guidance from our knowledge, and are willing to pass on a token or two to any nice Nosferatu that you meet along your travels. Always, be willing to pay.

UPDATE: With 100pt cards in, you should be questing much faster now. Several people have gotten over 3000 qp an hour questing. But do NOT ask them for handouts, questing will help you explore the mud.