
After the original line of My Little Pony toys ended in
1995, an all-new second generation appeared in 1997 revealing a very
different take on Ponyland. Living in Friendship Gardens, these ponies
were smaller, thinner, rounder, extremely modern, and identified by a
rainbow proof on the hoof. Although the line was short-lived in certain
areas and ended in the USA in 1998, it survived in parts of Europe until
Regardless of its many differences, the "New" MLP still
proved to be a wholesome toy which promoted positive values. In addition,
ponies came in all colors of the rainbow, had symbols, and still used a
rainbow logo. Pony Points were also a part of the line, however, they
never played a large role since there was only one mail-order exclusive pony
and very few other items.
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My Little Pony is copyrighted by Hasbro Inc: 1982-2009 No
copyright infringement intended.
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