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Silhouette Knee Shot.

Remember when goils wore glitter as makeup? I remember girls in my first grade class who did. Bust shot, screen right index vector. Index vector is the direction a person or object is unquestionably positioned towards. One of the grainy vidcaps i took. Not so easy when people are moving fast ;-)

"Whats this? A lesbian with a hard-on! Huhhuhhuh".- Richie. Jeannie's boifriend. Bust shot i think, which are used often to introduce the characters.

Here is Jeannie, she's the waitress and an iceskater, and he's the cook and sometimes stand up comedian at the dance bar. This is a (MS) Medium Shot, aka waist shot

"Hey Richie your making the burgers too big again! Eh?"- Mawby

Alex in the make-up room. (CU) Close Up

Two shot (Alex with her dog Grunt in her apartment).

Here she watches the ballet and becomes inspired. However, she lacks self confidence. This is the lead in to my favorite dance sequence in the history of film! (i have seen every single movie ever made from ever country since 1892) Queue music- Michael Sembello's "Maniac"!

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