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and welcome to my new web page, CutieHelloKitty! (Isin't it beautiful?)
I am so happy about it, for the longest time I have tried to create quality
web pages and have almost always fallen short. Wanna know my secret weapon?
I have started using Macromedia Dreamweaver® 4, this program is saving
my life! Any of you aspiring web Mistresses/Masters this is the tool for
now for the topic at hand. There is lots to do within my page and remember
to E-Mail me with any suggestions
you have for additional things. Right now I am thinking of a mailing
list/fanclub or a chat room. please tell me what you think! And hey
Halloween is coming soon!

 I have
a new super cute design center with hello kitty web elements that
you can use on your web page. See it here!