The Perverted Teacher

The Perverted Teacher

Back To The Watchers Connection

Story by: Lucilla Phoenix Reporter

You know something, I always thought that school was supposed to be one of the safest places you can be. But you know what, it sure has changed, with all the school shootings, druggies, and now teachers being perverts. Why do we have to put up with that shit? Especially being a female, you always have to look to see if your teacher is checking you out or actually listening to what you have to say. See we didn’t have to put up with that crap in elementary school (a.k.a. The Good Ole’ Days). Well, that’s probably because we had a flat chest and didn’t have a figure at that time. Unless your teacher was a pedophile, but that’s just sick. I grossed myself out. Damn pedophiles, go to hell!! Sorry, I just had to get that out. But anyways let’s get back to this pervert teacher thing.

There is this teacher I have named Mr. Halliwell. What a pervert. I’ll be sitting there minding my own business and he’ll come to my desk and start talking to me. “Hi Lucilla, how are you doing? Oh how do you think you did on that test?” And I’m just sitting there thinking, “Oh my God, why is he talking to me? Why me? Go talk to Yves or something. Please stop talking to me. Oh my God, did he just look at my boobs? What a dirty perverted bastard.” And he always asks me to pass out papers or go in his “backroom room” (a.k.a. The Room of Death) to check papers. I hate that room; it smells like ass. *laugh* I wonder what’s been happening in there? Eww…awful image in my head. Eww…eww. OK, now it’s gone. *takes in a deep breath* OK…calm down, Lucilla, breathe in, breath out. OK I’m better.

But anyways, I’m not the only one who thinks Mr. Halliwell is a pervert. Everyone does actually, including Yves. The only good thing about being on Mr. Halliwell’s “good side” is that he trusts you too much. Which is good, because you can take advantage of that trust. Which is quite funny, because he doesn’t expect it because he’s a dumb ass. *laugh* He’s pretty damn scary looking too. That’s what’s so awful about him being a pervert. I mean if he looked like Mr. Fayden, a substitute teacher I had in middle school, then I don’t think anyone would complain that much. I know I wouldn’t. I miss that guy, he was cool. *sigh* Those were the days…*snaps out of it* OK I’m back. So the point of this story is that teachers shouldn’t be perverted, unless they are good looking. Just kidding’: No one should be a pervert!!

Yves says:
Sorry, Lucilla, but I’m gonna add more on that. : ) People, I myself saw all of this, so take my word on it. There have always been rumors about Mr. Halliwell liking students in that special sort of way if you know what I mean. People said that he would put all the girls up in the front of the class (Max and Lucilla and Bobbie can verify this) and all the boys in the back of the class. He would put the girls who usually wore the skimpy shirts closer to him and the girls (like me) who always wear T-shirts would be behind the skimpy ones. The girls with the skimpy shirts always got good grades. Well, the semester I had him, he didn’t do that, but only because we had had a student teacher teaching us the first part of the semester and he made us pick out card with a seat number on it and that’s where we sat. When he left, Halliwell just let us sit where we were. Probably only to make us believe he wasn’t a sicko, but oh well. Lucilla had him both semesters, so she knows what she is talking about.

Anyway, the last part of the semester, I got to work in the office because the seniors left and the office needed help. So when I was in there, Mr. Halliwell was in one of the counseler’s office and he was having a meeting with a parent. Now it turns out that the mother was there because her daughter was being harrassed by Mr. Halliwell. I didn’t get to hear the whole conversation because I got to the office a little late, but of course Mr. Halliwell was denying it when I got there. The mother kept complaining about it and Mr. Halliwell was getting angry. He said, “I can’t believe this is happening again. This has happened before…” then he started talking low and I couldn't hear. Then he said, “I do not leer at my students dammit!” Well, after that, everyone shut up for a few seconds. Then right afterwards he sort of whispered, but loud enough for me to hear, “Now, I’m a Christian. I went to church yesterday, and they told me…” after that, I couldn’t hear anymore. Then after awhile, they started talking louder again. Mr. Halliwell gave some papers to the mother and said, “Here are some copies of her tests to show you that I’m not grading her any differently than any of the other students.” The mother took them. After that, they ended the little conference/showdown and Mr. Halliwell walked out, while the mother stayed to talk to the counseler. After the mother left, Mr. Halliwell came back and talked to the counseler. After that, he left.

I really don’t believe him, because like Lucilla said, he goes over and talks to her all the time, for no reason. I was in her class so I know he did. He would ask her, “How do you think you did on the test?” What does he care? He’s going to check the test anyway. She’s the only person who gets asked that. He only goes and talks to her. He never talks to me, not to the other students in the class, just Lucilla. After he gets done talking to her, he goes back to his desk. Plus I don’t belive him with his Christian thing. He looks scary and when he smiles, he looks like a weasel or something….like he’s planning an evil plan. So that’s about it for Mr. Halliwell. We’ll see if he quits or if he stays to keep being a pervert at Taylortucky High next year.

Mr. Halliwell is still teaching here (the year after the story was written) and now Bobbie has him again!