High School Druggies: Smart Or Dumb?

High School Druggies: Smart Or Dumb?

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Story by: Lucilla Phoenix Reporter

Well, in good ole’ Taylortucky High School most kids aren’t interested in their grades, or parents, or even sports. They like the drugs. *laugh* I personally don’t do drugs, surprising really. Just say no!! *laugh* And at our school you can tell if someone’s a crack addict. They are just scary. *shiver* Some kids even like to brag about doing drugs or to be more specific…ecstasy.

According to one of my friends, in one of her classes, a girl named Macy Moore had been bragging to the teacher that she had done ecstasy many times. Now, that is dumb, let’s go tell the teacher that I do drugs!! Yeah!! Yep, something to be real proud of, Macy. What a stupid ass.

Oh, and I have another example of stupidity at its finest. There is this girl in my History class, her name is Jasmine Stapleton. Jasmine is one of the people who just don’t give a shit about (along with the other 90% of the school). So, anyways one day Jasmine comes stumbling into class. Literally, she was high on cocaine. The cocaine you could still see on her nose and on her shirt. The whole class was laughing their asses off. The teacher was completely clueless of what we were laughing at. So, Jasmine was in the back of the class, talking gibberish, falling out of her seat, she couldn’t even sit in her chair. It was a Kodak moment. *laugh*

So during the class, she just got up and left (of course with the help of her friend Erica). They went to the bathroom and didn’t come back. For all I know, she had more drugs waiting for her. Or maybe she passed out in the bathroom. The world will never know. *sniffle* Now that is just plain out stupid.

So, to answer the question, are high school druggies smart or dumb? The answer is most definitely, DUMB!! *laugh* Except for the pot heads, they are cool. *laugh* So, if you are ever gonna do a drug, smoke pot. *laugh* I’m jokin’, don’t do drugs!! They make you act like Jasmine Stapleton, which was pretty damn hilarious. But that’s not the point!! JUST SAY NO!!