Dress Code Enforcement In Taylortucky High

Dress Code Enforcement In Taylortucky High School

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Story by: Yves Adele Harlow Reporter

The question on every non-popular person’s mind is: Why are the popular people allowed to wear clothes that we can’t?

In the Taylortucky High Code of Conduct* it says that shorts are supposed to be to the tip of students' middle finger when their arms are at their sides. We have to wear shirts that cover our shoulders. Guys’ pants have to be at their waist, not at their knees. There are other things in the Code of Conduct that popular people get away with, but these are the ones I’m going to be commenting on.

Well, popular girls actually get to wear tube tops under overalls. Overalls don’t cover up much of the shoulders. Tenth grader Alessandra Geen, one of the more popular girls, wears shorts that are to wrist length. She also wears shirts that are forbidden which show off her belly ring. So why is Geen getting away with it? Sophomore, Martin Moore, wears his pants almost to his knees and no one ever says anything to him about being punished. Sure this is all well and good outside of school. I mean, who cares if the girls look like prostitutes and the guys look like penguins when they walk? I’m not saying that there should be uniforms. No, far from it. I am saying that we should either all be able to wear whatever we want, or all have to stick to the rules.

Any student who is below full scale popular is not allowed to wear anything forbidden in the Code of Conduct. Where is the justice or equality, which America is so known for, in that? There can’t be rules for two thirds of the school while the other third of the school is allowed to get away with everything. It’s not a fair deal for anyone.

Of course, there is always one teacher at Taylortucky High who follows the rules. His name is Mr. Wilkes. He always sends people to the office if they don’t follow the code of conduct. That is what more teachers should do here and everywhere that this inequality is occurring.

If you read the definition below, you can see that the rules clearly aren't being followed and people really are getting away with things they shouldn't be.

The distractions is what I really want to comment. Guys will always be trying to look down girls' shirts during class and girls who wear that sort of thing will always distract the guys. I myslef always get distracted by guys who walk by me whose pants or shorts are to their knees. That that I take pleasure in that. Nope, wehenever I see that, I think of penguins waddling along on ice. Seriously, I do! I call it the penguin walk. Anyway, that's distracting for me. There is always someone wearing a shirt promoting alcohol or Marlboro or some kind of cigarette.

Do they get kicked out or get yelled at? No! They're allowed to go through school wearing that. But if I wear to wear that, then there would be hell to pay! I'd probably get suspended or a detention. I probably wouldn't even get a warning.

There should be a set of rules that everyone should stick to and have everyone suffer or have everyone be happy. The school district made the rules. They should enforce them. So why aren’t they?

* In our Student Code of Conduct it says:

Dress(Improper Appearance)Dressing for school should be in good taste. It should not cause health or safety hazards, distractions, disruption or damage to school property. Any fashion statement that may be disruptive to classroom learning will not be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, low-cut blouses or shirts, and jeans, slacks, or shorts worn below the waist. Proper attire and appearance are the responibility of the students and their parents. The staff will act in a guidence capacity. Students violating the dress code policy will be required to conform, and parents will be contacted. Clothing cannot bear anything obscene, immoral, or profane. Bare midriffs, spandex, tank tops, underwear as outer clothing, hats, bandannas or head coverings are not permitted. Clothing that promotes violence, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex is not allowed.Warning, parent contact to temporary suspension.