An Ambulance At School

An Ambulance at School

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Story by: Lucilla Phoenix - Reporter

Nothing big usually happens at our high school…so when you’re walking down the hall and look outside, and see an ambulance, you’re pretty worried. Knowing the area you live in (we live in a crack-head, hick town) you think, “Damn, not a school shooting,” but then you didn’t hear any gun shots, so you’re like, “Damn, not another drug overdose.” Lol.

So I’m going to my German class upstairs, but they won’t let anybody upstairs. So we are all like, “What the fuck?” Lol. And everyone’s trying to find a staircase to go up. Nobody knows what is happening, and there’s some people going around telling everyone what they heard from Bob, who heard from Sally, who heard from Larry (you know how it is) about what happened. So my friend tells me she heard some girl had an asthma attack upstairs. And I thought that was awful because I know how bad asthma attacks can be because my brother and my cousin have asthma.

Then I got to my class, once they let everyone upstairs and a girl in my class said she knew the girl, and she doesn’t have asthma, but she has seizures. Which, seizures are bad too. But don’t worry, the girl is all right.