About Yves Adele Harlow

About Yves Adele Harlow

Back To The Watchers Connection

Yves here. I just wanted to let you know some stuff about me. Obviously I go to Taylortucky High School. I’m a sophomore there right now, but my older brother went there too so I know a lot of stuff that happened while he was there. I got the idea to make the site with all news about the school that people really care about, but I really couldn’t have done all this with out Lucilla, Max, Bobbie, and Brooke. You can really get censored in other school papers and sites and can’t talk about the things that people actually want to hear about. No hard-hitting questions or articles are ever really posed. So this is the place, made by a few select students, to write about the school. We can write about whatever we want and not have to worry about hurting people’s feelings or anything. Which is good!

Okay, now for outside of school. My fav shows are The Lone Gunmen, The X-Files, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Titus, the Simpsons, and Dragonball Z. I like to read a lot, but I mostly watch TV and go on the net. To tell you the truth, I am very lazy. I do nothing important most of the day.

I guess if you really want to know, which I don’t think you really do, but who cares, I’m a shy person. I don’t like talking to people I don’t know that well and I get nervous sometimes. So that threw my dream of being a lawyer out the window. I’m really good at writing though (thanks a lot Lucilla!!) and I get really into political things and angry about things that are wrong with the world. Since I’m shy, I’m not very good at verbally debating, so I write it. This place is a good outlet for anger at the world and school(as Max will tell you. Lol).

I own a German Shepherd and his name is Smoky. Why? Well, he’s been a grayish color all his life, which reminds me of smoke, so there you go. I also own a Golden Retriever named Teddy and I think he’s the cutest dog in the world. Plus, I own a horse named Shadow, but I leave it at my grandma’s farm since I obviously can’t keep it in my apartment.

Okay, I guess this is enough. So…bye.

P.S. The Truth Is Out There! (<>..<>)

Yves Adele Harlow
More About Yves