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Project Mayhem Home

The Goals of Project Mayhem


Pranks - Within this site
Updates - Within this site
Frank's Crappy Game Reviews - My new game review section.
The mascots of this site - Sprite Comic
Another prank site - Awesome pranks
The Pink Kangaroo
Insight on the connection between ninjas and bettas.
The Flash cartoons - incomplete

Here we are, folks. Project Mayhem. True, this is named after Tyler Durdan's quest in Fight Club, but this is a bit more tame. Here, we specialize in verbally assaulting various random people. This page will probably change frequently, or not. It all depends on how much time I have, and how short my attention span runs. Here, you won't find much of anything. However, on the next page, you should eventually find a set of IM pranks, and various other bits of trouble and prankery. If you have some IM pranks that you would like featured on the page, please send them to me at:
Include whatever name you'd like to be referred to as, and put something pertaining to it being a prank in the subject line. I suggest you not use your real name. Most people just go by their screen name, but some want to be a bit more creative about it. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO PRANK! EVEN IF YOU WANT TO PRANK PEOPLE WE PRANKED! (But if you do, it better be just as funny as ours, if not more. And original.)

Oh yeah, we also would like some feedback on this site.

Project Mayhem Message Board

Staff Members:
Frank Cushion - Creator, updater. With karate he'll kick your ass.

John Molshavic - With powers comparable to Wonderboy.

Da Chensy Killah - He's not gonna cook it but he'll order it from Zanzibar.

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Download Trillian!
Trillian: A great multiple account messenger and such. Hosts AIM, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, and IRC. Not so great for pranking, unless you want the pranks saved like my older ones (*.txt files) but great for buddy list management and saving space.
