Pneuma Youth- Oxnard : Connecting our faith to the world

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August- Spring's so fun


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    Last Updated:  Wednesday, April 14, 2004 05:05:50 AM

Pneumayouth: Update- August 26,2003
I'm sorry for the so Heinous no updating! I've been so busy, that I almost lose track with updating this site. I hope someday Iris Comes Back. Pneuma Youth misses  her so much. This Fridays Youth Night Update WILL be posted. Thank You for your patience. 

We Miss you!

Pneuma Youth: July 7, 2003: Fil-Am
We have come back from the Fil Am Convention in Bakersfield. We had so much fun by meeting new people, seeing familiar faces and having a great time with other Churches from around the U.S. It was an amazing experience.



Pneuma Youth: July 1, 2003: Update
Sorry about Not updating in so long. So many things have been happening. Our good friend Iris has left for the Philippines and will be gone for a few months. ( That was a while back)  Hopefully, she'll be back soon. We had many fun Raisers and we are now going to the 27th annual Fill-Am Convention  On July 2nd thru 5!!! It has been hard keeping this site updated, but I'll try my best to update it every youth night and upcoming events that we have. I will receive a calendar of all the events that will be happening in our youth group. 


PNEUMA YOUTH: June 27, 2003
Youth Night Lesson:

What Went Wrong With Creation Salvation  Series #3

What is Sin?

Sin is anything that does not conform to or transgresses the will of God.

Why did Adam and Eve Sin?

Adam and Eve Sinned because they believed in Satan's lie that there was something better to life than what God was giving them.

What was the effect of Sin?

The effect of Sin is our Condemnation from God, from other, from ourselves, and from the created world.



Info about this week to come soon!



Another lesson for the month. We learned more about our thoughts about marriage, living together, and what the important points we would want our future spouse to have. This is a survey you may want to take to check about your thoughts on LOVING FOR A LIFETIME.

(Click on Picture for a bigger view)



Pneuma youth had a valentines day banquet. A few guest speakers came and we learned about their life and views about love and the importance of abstinence.  




God Lovers, before anything else...

According to God’s Word, When Can I date? 

“...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be given to you as well.” –Matt 6:33

 Meaning: God first, boyfriend/girlfriend later...

 Loving God involves seeing his kingdom and his righteousness, first and foremost.

 God’s will First, Not mine.

  • “If we want God’s best in our relationships, we have to play by God’s Rules. Instead of following the world’s patterns of dating, we must take our cues from his word and learn biblical or “smart love” ( Phil. 1:9-10). The priority of this kind of love is not our needs, our selfish desires, or even our feelings, but At pleasing God and doing what is best for others. If we are willing to break away from harmful patterns of typical dating, we can discover God’s best for our lives.”

       --- Joshua Harris 

God’s guidance First...

When we “ seek His kingdom and His riteousness.” We are seeking his GUIDANCE and WISDOM. 

We look beyond WHAT FEELS Good and back what is GOOD.

Phil. 1:9-10 “ more knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and be pure and blameless...”




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