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Los Angeles
Monday, 20 June 2005
The Z-man
Mood:  energetic

I think not many of us know about Councilmember Dennis Zine and his newsletters. The Zine LINE and then his superman symbol with the letter Z in it instead of the big S.

I spoke about Towm LAbonge having a CalendarCalendar he does every year.

But Dennis Zine Takes the Cake. He even has his own award for publc servants called the Z awards.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 6:12 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 6:15 AM PDT
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Friday, 17 June 2005
Town Criers/ better late than never PArt I
Since Eric Garcetti has decided to link this Town Crier blog on his blog , it might be time to start the Town Crier Blog up again.

Well, the First ever Los ANgeles Town Crier Compeition in Los ANgeles happened the first weeekend of june. The 3rd and the 4th .

HEre is my friend Lesley Taplin at the airport with the Town Crier From MArkham, Ontario, we picked him up on the 1st of June. HE and his wife MAry Webster were able to make the rounds of the press on the 2nd. IMG_1019

He even annunced the compeition at the hope for firefighters on hope street.

Here he is ringing the bell atop CIty HAll:IMG_1030

what was so amzing was with only 6 town criers at this event there was so much press coverage. LA Times , NPR , KQED Public Radio , and the Downtown News.

The criers began arriving on Thursday evening and we had a meeting after dinner to discuss the order of the criers. In other word who would go first at each part of the competitition.

Friday Morning saw us at City hall for resolutions form the City of Los Angeles
P1010018.JPG copy

then at 11:15 th games began , actually we were a little late I had misplaced a couple of cries. I got those and eric ran home and helped with this also. God bless Eric Richardson.

It started on Olvera street.

here is John Webster the winner of the competition running to the Kiosko to tell us that the Americans are coming and to run . Of course he was announicng the fight over Los ANgeles during the war with mexico in 1848.P1010100.JPG copy
Here is judith jewell from Anacortes Washington telling us about Los ANgelesP1010082.JPG copy

Here is Redmond O'Colonies walking up to giove his cry I am on the left bowing.P1010088.JPG copy

After the ist part of the Compeition on Olvera Street we went to Luch at PEte's Cafe. Tom Gimore was our host and provided us with great meals. P1010111.JPG copy

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 2:17 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 17 June 2005 2:21 PM PDT
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Monday, 23 May 2005
Ok I think I am back as the LA Town Crier Blog.

Might be boring because it wil be non-partisan.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 2:03 AM PDT
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Friday, 20 May 2005
SIster City Festival
LOs ANgeles be having it's First ANnual sister city festival. The CIty Sister Festival will be happening this SUnday the 22 at the LA
Come Together for All-Day Free Festivities at the Page Museum

WHO: Athens, Greece ? Auckland, New Zealand ? Berlin, Germany ? Bombay, India ?
Bordeaux, France ? Busan, Korea ? Eilat, Israel ? Giza, Egypt ? Guangzhou, People?s Republic of
China ? Jakarta, Indonesia ? Kaunas, Lithuania ? Los Angeles, USA - Lusaka, Zambia ? Makati,
Philippines ? Mexico City, Mexico ? Nagoya, Japan ? Salvador de Bahia, Brazil - San Salvador, El
Salvador ? Split, Croatia ? St. Petersburg, Russia ? Taipei, Taiwan ? Vancouver, Canada

The public is invited to the first annual Los Angeles Sister City Festival, a fun-filled,
all-day event celebrating the twenty-one Sister Cities to Los Angeles throughout the
world. This exciting international free celebration is hosted by Los Angeles City
Councilmember and SCLA (Sister City of Los Angeles) President Tom LaBonge.
"The Sister Cities Association was started in the 1950?s to promote cross-cultural
understanding and exchanges," said Councilmember LaBonge. "And that?s exactly what
we?re doing with this Festival?bringing people together for a day of fun in LA."
Festivities include a center stage with non-stop entertainment in dance, music, theatre
and folkloric acts from around the world and an array of international cultural, artistic
and culinary specialties. A food court will serve international gastronomic delights and
there will be beer and wine gardens for Festival goers over 21 years of age.
WHAT: Los Angeles Sister City Festival
WHEN: Sunday, May 22, 2005 from 12:00 Noon to 8 pm.
WHERE: The gardens of the Page Museum, East of LACMA near the LaBrea Tarpits
5801 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles.
For more information and a full list of LA?s sister cities, please call 323.656.6083 or visit:
Media Contact: Caroline Schweich
Fizz Communications, tel: 323.957.2326 brea Tar Pits.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 9:11 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 20 May 2005 9:18 PM PDT
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The Los Angeles Town Crier blog is back.

I will soon be posting upcoming events all over the City and Downtown .

Lets have fun

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 2:15 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 20 May 2005 2:17 AM PDT
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Congrats Form  City Of LA from  Jan PErry

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 12:17 AM PDT
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Thursday, 17 February 2005
BAck in business
Well it looks like I am back in business.

let's see what happens

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 11:30 PM PST
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Tuesday, 15 February 2005
WEll I have moved.

Downtown Central City East Blogger

it sems I may have excedded bandwidth , and it looks like angel fire has made some changes to its layout.

I can't seem to post pictures. SO I have decided to go to another site and see what happens. I may have to pay for my blogging.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 3:46 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, 17 February 2005 2:22 PM PST
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Rumors are SRO HOusing Corporation Refuses to Do Anything
WEll here is an update on the onging problem with the toilet that is in front of the SOuthern Hotel.

The Neighborhood Prosecutor Called me this MOrning to tell me that she couldn't make it due toa press conferewnce downtown at parker center.

One tennant who is going to college missed school so he could be here at 11 for the meeting with here over the pea spot.

She said that our senior lead officer couldn't also make it due to the pres conference.

Anyway , rumors are SRO still refuses to do anything about the proble, we are having.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 11:11 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 17 February 2005 2:21 PM PST
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Sunday, 13 February 2005
DRAGONS IN THE STREETS and Marines in the desert

Again I was taking pictures of clouds in the neighborhood. THis time I was approacehd by an older gentleman telling me i should not take pictures. WHy these folks want to threaten me I do not know......selling drugs ? Gosh I wish my neighborhood would get cleaned up.

I decided to go to china town , It was the Chinese New Year , Year of the Rooster ,I had forgotten I could ahve taken the Redline and then the goldline which has its first stop at China Town Station. I wonder why I would forget such athing but I did. SO I hopped on teh goldine and wooshed my way to china town.

I got to China Town Station

and walked down the stairs to the street below. I ran into a boooth that had been set up by the China TOwn BId. With information on walking around Chuina Town and maps. I took some picturea and went looking for the parade on Broadway. There were floats and dragons and all kinds of wonderful things going on.

There were floats and dragons and all kinds of wonderful things going on.

I had a pretty good time . I ran into some guys from brooks college who were taking pictures of the event like I was , I am pretty sure there shots cam eout better than mine. Of course I notified them about the town crier competition.

Then it was time to eat , of course I always go somewhere and get orange chicken and while I was looking for my china town spot , look who I ran into.

NOne other than . CAn YOu guess It?

BEranrd PArks.

SO I got my orange chicken and then walked to cach the 45 on broadway , which brought me to 5th street and Broadway and I walked to the Los Angeles THeatre Center. The LAtino theatre Company The LAtino theatre Company was putting on a show a draft , about a MArine returning from Iraq and havng to live with his experience. It was moving and personally for me it brought back lots of memories. I think they did da good job protraying the traumas of war on young people.
I got some pics of the actors after the show. And of course my good friend Jose Luis VAalenzuela.

Posted by zine2/downtownlatowncrier at 12:48 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 February 2005 11:21 AM PST
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