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Making a Patterned Dress

Today we're going to make a Patterned Dress similar to the one above. I use Paintshop Pro and this tutorial is made for that. If you don't have Paint Shop Pro, you can download a 30 day trial at

If you like, you can also download the patterns set I made in Paint Shop. Just remember these are all in bitmap format and go into your Paint Shop Pro Patterns folder. Then you just click on your patterns in Paint Shop, find the one you want and flood fill your garment. But first I am going to teach you how to make your own patterns.

Doll Dress Patterns

Hopefully, you have working knowledge of Paint Shop already. If not, there are many tutorials on the net for it. Now, let's get started. First, you will need to open up an image that has colors that you like in it. It doesn't matter what the image looks like. It will make no difference in the end. For this tut, I floodfilled the background with light blue and just threw a tube on it, but you can pick anything you want to. ...Whatever image you use, resize it to 125X125 for now and make sure it is set to 16.7 million colors...(On your menu, go to Colors....Increase Color depth....Increase to 16 million etc)

Next go to "Effects", Reflection Effects", "Kalaidescope". This is where you can play around with the settings. I used these settings, but you'll want to try your own later. (Horizontel Offset: 29, Vertical Offset: -13, Rotation Angle: 0, Scale factor: 45, Number of Petals: 12, Number of Orbits: 2, Radial Suction: 33.)

Now let's make it a bit brighter by going to "Effects", "Enhance Photo", "Automatic Saturation Enhancement", and set it to your preference. On mine, I used "Strong" and "More Colorful", but it's up to you, and a lot depends on your pattern colors. You may feel that they are bright enough already. Click ok.

Resize this pattern to 17X17. On other images, just make the size similar. It doesn't have to be exact, but we need it small.

Now place this in your Paint Shop Pro Patterns Folder. Save it as a bitmap. (Windows or OS/2 Bitmap)


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