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Making Blonde Hair

(A working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro is assumed here.) In this tutorial, I am using a different base. You can use any base you like and get similar results. Now, this tut is a bit different in technique, because I use the airbrush to get the shape I want. So let's get started. First, add a new layer to your base, and pick your color. Since we're using blonde shades, I chose color #E8B560 for my darkest shade. Now your new layer is going to be beneath your doll, so make sure that it is. Generally Paint Shop puts it above your last layer, so go up to "Layers", "Arrange", "Move Down".

Now taking your airbrush tool, set it to a fairly large size for longer hair. Mine is set at 11. If you want shorter, less fluffy hair, set it smaller. You'll have to use your own judgement on this one. Hardness: 100%, Opacity: 100%, Step:25, Density: 100%. Draw the shape of the hair you want beneath your doll. I'll get to the top/front part of the hair later. Don't worry. lol.

Next, we'll add shading, so choose a slightly lighter shade, and set your airbrush tool to size 1. I chose #FFF675. Add a new layer. The rest of the settings remain the same. Now draw on small lines in the direction you want the hair to go.

Now, this is where you get to play with the hair and decide what you want. You can do a couple of things here. You can use "Gaussian Blur" and blur this layer a little so that the lines aren't so sharp, or you can simply lower the opacity of the layer until you see what you want. I have included both images. On the left one, I used a Gaussian Blur of 1.00. On the right one, I lowered the opacity to 47%. Choose whichever you like the best.




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