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my name is teresa. i'm a student, i live in sydney, australia and i started reading zines in autumn 2003. i've had a passion for zines since flo intro'd me to them. since then, i've been working on my zine called Crimson Regret. i believe zines are absolutely great because they advocate free speech, promote the growth of the individual and their ideas, encourage young people to express themselves, talented individuals to publish their works and for all lovers of the above to be kept in a community where common interests and passions are shared. to write, read and create is to be part of this community, where we find appreciation and a sense of belonging to the wonderful world of zines!

if you care to, visit my personal website and please sign my guestbook. my other interests are lord of the rings, criminal/forensics tv, shopping, sleeping and music. hmm...i dont seem too interesting.

Crimson Regret Zine Distro

Crimson Regret Zine Distro is a non-profit  zine distro. the little profit made goes towards the distro fund which assists the distro to continue distroing, by means of envelopes! donations are very welcome! ive been running this zine distro single-handedly since winter 2003. i started this distro because i want to encourage talented writers to publish their own media and get it circulating to a wider audience. plus, there is a small zine community and lack of distribution in sydney, compared to melbourne, thus i wanted to assist in broadening our horizons. my aim is to provide a platform for more growth in the zine community and to make small scale media more accessible. by running this distro, i hope to achieve that. Crimson Regret ZD is primarily focused on personal and general zines in Australia but has expanded to include zines from all genres and all locations of the world, featuring many unique writers and wonderful individuals publications. if you are interested in being distro'd please read my how to get distro'd section. i'll be happy to distro your work, provided it follows the guidelines. happy zinecrawling!

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