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mFAQ - most Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a zine?

  1. zine - a small amateur print or publication; a victory of thought and feelings over production values.
  2. zines (pronounced zeens originating from fanzines) are cut-and-paste, self-published small magazines reproduced unprofessionally by the creator and distributed through mail order and word of mouth. they touch on sex, music, politics, television, movies, work, food, whatever. they're obsessed with obsession. they're extraordinary and ordinary. they're about strangeness and normality. you can get to know people pretty well through their zines, which are always more personal and idiosyncratic than glossy magazines.
  3. "zines come from the community, they are made out of love, they are totally individual, they are made by people with stuff to say, they can be beautiful, honest, funny, touching, challenging - they are treasures!" - jane curtis of losergrrl. (with thanks to "breathe the new pollution" and "the book of zines")

2. What is a distro?

a place that distributes zines, either through mail order, word of mouth or any other means of getting a zine. distros promote the expansion of the zine community, advocate free speech, encourage the growth of the individual and publication of their work to circulate a wider audience.

3. How do i get distro'd?

read the how to get distro'd section and follow the instructions. i will not distro zines unless i have a hardcopy of your zine. all sample zines sent to me for consideration of distribution are samples, and thus are regarded as free and non-returnable.

4. What are the guidelines?

you must read the how to get distro'd section and follow the instructions. i will accept all zines on the condition that i like it and that they do not contain offensive material. zines i will not accept for distroing include topics advocating child exploitation, homophobia, racism, cultural assimilation, the glorification of a particular religion, drug use, crime, to a certain extent, gender and any form of discrimination against a certain group of people. zines of these sort are narrow-minded and offensive. zines advocating the above topics will not be distro'd. however, zines that oppose the above topics, inform responders on its effect on society or such and zines that discuss the topics in an appropriate matter may be accepted. if i ask you about your regrets, you will tell me imaginary light. this is to make sure you have read these guidelines.

5. What is the agreement between publisher and distro-er?

if i accept your zine, we may then discuss wholesale prices and payment. bear in mind that your wholesale price is the lowest price you can charge without losing money. my retail price will only be slightly higher to ensure i have enough to continue the distro. i will pay through consignment, cash, send you a credit note or a combination of these. please keep me informed about new issues or detail changes, as i will keep you informed of any changes.

6. How do i order?

read the how to order section. please read and follow the instructions carefully.

7. What are the methods of payment?

i accept direct deposit, well-concealed cash (at your own risk), Australian stamps (only for the postage cost), money orders and cheques (made out to Teresa Hong), all of which must be in australian dollars. money orders and cheques will clear before i send your order. i do not accept paypal, paymate or other currencies. when sending cash, please ensure all coins are taped firmly to a piece of cardboard (otherwise the coins will eventually fall out and your order may never be received) and cash is wrapped in newspaper or a catalogue page (thus, well-concealed) otherwise, you may round up to the nearest amount and i will issue you a credit note. the postage table shows the many postage options available, however due to the varying nature of zines, it may be difficult to accommodate for all sizes in the cheapest possible way.

1000g  =1kg
large letter regular parcel parcel post satchel express post express post satchels
up to 125g 1.00 3.00 4.10 4.80 6.30
up to 250g 1.50 3.00 4.10 4.80 6.30
up to 500g 2.45 4.00 4.10 4.80 6.30
up to 3kg - 5.50 7.50 - 9.30

8. How long do i have to wait for my zines to arrive?

the amount of time it takes for me to receive you order varies, depending on where you live in australia in comparison to me. the delivery times are not entirely accurate and are only approximations. please keep in mind that the time it takes for me to complete your order is 1 - 2 days. please be patient. i am the only person running this distro. all orders are sent within a week of being received by me.

area time
sydney metropolitan 1 business day
gosford city and wollongong metropolitan 1 business day
other nsw and act areas 2 business days
interstate metropolitan areas 2 business days
interstate country areas 3 business days

9. Do you post internationally?

no. i only post domestically since i only have australian zines so far.

10. How much profit do you make?

none. Crimson Regret ZD is a non-profit distro, but the little profit i do make goes towards supplying adequate stationery and meeting distro costs.


if your question has not been answered here, do not hesitate to email me. i am happy to answer any queries you may have.