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Let's face it, at some point or antoher, we've played some pretty lame, bad, or even just plain awful games. Usually critics and the like can save us from these gaming disasters, but there some of us that just throw caution to the wind, and find out the hard way.

So, what I ask of you is to give me the five worst games you've ever played, on any game console past or present. But please give honest responses on what you think the biggest gaming disaters are. We're looking for games that have pretty much failed on gameplay and enjoyment, not games that people feel are "over-rated". Also, when you give the title of the game, please also say which system it's on. I could probably figure out where each game appeared on which console, but there is the possibillity that I wouldn't know. If you can't think of 5 games, that's okay, just give as many as you can.

Voting ends December 30, 2004*, and the results will be displayed shortly thereafter. You can vote for up to five games each day, up to the closing date of the poll. If you wish to be notified of when the results will be displayed, provide your e-mail address after you list your nominees. You only have to provide your e-mail address once. Your e-mail address will ONLY be used to notify you of the results of this "poll", and will not be used for any other purpose.

That about covers everything, now you list what you think is the five worst games you ever played!

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
Type your e-mail address here if you wish to know when the results will be displayed

* In the event that an insufficent number of nominations have been made by the closing date of this poll, the nomination period will be extended until a sufficent number of nominations have been met. You will be informed by e-mail (if you have decided so) if and when the date of the results have changed. .

1999-2003 SPM Creative Publishing