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Conceptualized, Compiled and Written by Shaun McCracken

Welcome to the 9x99. What exactally is the 9x99 you may ask? It's my top 99 favorite games, ever. This list is not about the best games ever made, the best games made critcially or even the games you should play. No, this is my list, and be forewarned that you won't see games such as Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Final Fantasy VI and such. Sure, they're great games, but this list is based upon games I've played, and I won't include entries on games I haven't played just because they should "belong there".

And as such, you'll see some rather unique entries on the list, perhaps some games you've never heard of! Hopefully this will be both entertaining and informative. So, are you ready for the top 99 games of 9x?

For ease of use, I've split the list up into "chapters", so you can go straight to the #1 game, or pick up where you last left off if you didn't finish the list in one whole sitting. You can also start from the beginning, and proceed to the next chapter at the link at the bottom of the page.

The Beginning Of The 9x99

Chapter 1: #99-89

Chapter 2: #88-78

Chapter 3: #77-67

Chapter 4: #66-56

Chapter 5: #55-45

Chapter 6: #44-34

Chapter 7: #33-23

Chapter 8: #22-12

Chapter 9: #11-01

1999-2003 SPM Creative Publishing