Some nice pics...

Some more nice pics...

Subterranean gig...

Cradle of Fifth 27th April 2001 Palace Melbourne...

The Swayballers Messfest V 2002...

The Stinky Bitches Messfest V 2002...

Night of Tassie metal at the Arthouse (Melbourne) 31 May 2002...

These pics are from the Make it Up day held in Melbourne 13th January 2002.

Kelly of Pretty Ugly

Sam of Cair Andros (right) donning the mighty Striborg shirt

Mr. Hobby, and Adrian of Evil Twin


These pics are from Make it Up 20th January 2001. Those of you who were scared away by the Fall's ghoulish depravity and the morbid sounds of the 80's by So Bad it's Good, we can but pity you...

L to R: James and Simon of So Bad it's Good

Mr. Hobby

Mr. T

R: Simon

L to R: Kelly of Kill the Real Girrls, Pretty Ugly and PDR, Paul White (?) of Web and Mang, James, Simon

Simon's in there somewhere

These are from our Ziners Soirée on 21st of January. Thankyou to the few who came along.

Sam of Orthank and Cair Andros

L to R: ?, Adrian of Evil Twin, Ali of Hello, Handbag and frenZy, Chris of A Slice of Stale Pizza

L to R: Luke, Zev, James, Sam


This site designed by James McLachlan copyright© 2000 - 2003