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MY FATHER'S HANDS© :By James Parker

They have the strength that that comes with age and hard work.
Southern, Strong, Proud.
Intimidating to his children and unknown to his wife,
My father's hands are of rare comfort.
Maybe they got smaller, or perhaps I grew larger.
Remembering the pinky, the fist, the hand on par with my own.
He can still play baseball, still knocking them out of the park,
The hands cut deep with splinters of time and wood.
Our hands together a legacy of callousness, rough exteriors,
harsh comfort and intriguing coldness. My hands cut deep with lines,
holding on to the secrets of youth.
All hands speaking their mind,
Telling their story
shuffling through the motions
with dirty fingernails and eternally cracked lines.



the red,white,white,white,white,white,white and blue, leave me alone, go back home and roam a top the white house dome where the hypocrisy of your democracy has got me stoned, go away, go pray to your own porcelain god and ask him what to do. You belong together and on Sundays, he's so right for you and so white like you on the steps of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, where I lost my sanity to Christianity. I can't believe in heaven when I see eleven year olds playing with AK-47's and its only seven in the afternoon, Damm it!! , I'm snoring when TV informs me that Charlton Heston of the NRA says its okay to "Let my people go, and to go blow for blow, and to be strapped with rounds upon rounds of machine gun ammo, like Sly Stallone in Rambo, America, has all this sorrow for a better tomorrow, but the weekly forecast will be killing, killing, killing, spilling in trickles across some southern portions and then later on, filling northward states in bloodshed, red on walls, on stalls, red on shopping malls, schools and red in swimming pools, I guess I better take an umbrella huh, America?

So America go bother someone else with your public service announcements cause I'll denounce it. Your bright white lies on billboards that get me bored as they glare and your purple heart recruiters with blank stares in the middle of Times Square. NO I won't join the Army, here, there, or anywhere, America you're unaware that I'll be all I can be, if I'm just plain old me. America, I live my life despite all your strife, I'm a rebel, a thug, like Judd Nelson in the "Breakfast Club", America, "Eat my shorts!!". America you lie when 99.9% of your congress men do smoke up or get high. They must be fried and insane to make the claim that I can't do the same . Jackasses, how many joints do I have to smoke before I prove my point? No patience is in me to keep breathing. The tension's not leaving, always screaming.

America, thank you for the freedom of speech to preach, NOT!!!, I always dare myself to read this aloud and proud in my underwear in Times Square, and see how long it takes for the police to cease me , stop and search the crease in my butt cheeks. Freedom of expression will get me a session in the department correctional section in jail without bail,. Now I'm not mentally frail like Dan Quayle, but my counselors say I'm abnormal, but I don't believe them to be normal, America, you have taught me the meaning of phobia, but your homophobia is not a valid phobia. America I have claustrophobia from your stray cops and their 41 shots. I have phobia of Kate Moss, she looks like my dental floss. I have phobia of Hugo Boss, cop raids, AIDS, rapes, prison escapes, wasted ticker tape, necrophylia, pedophylia, the god damm media, OJ Today, stock market crashes, Paris fashions, coming attractions, music awards, our friendly lord, politicians and their lousy decisions, NY LOTTO, mottoes, new autos, and racial profile so vile Gulliani released my file.

America, I hope your conservatives on Capital Hill become green and ill after reading what I wrote. I hope your president and his cabinet folk, choke on my gray marijuana smoke, America, I'm broke, so I won't pay my U.S taxes, for your toys, or for navy boys to drain other nations sore with countless wars, I'm only going to spend on blue condoms, cause I just got paid and I'm trying to get laid in the Village.

America you're a bore, I rather go to the store than watch Dan Rather on the Sony's box or the good ole boys den on CNN, America, CNBC is not for me, but Larry King's suspenders are an interesting thing.

America, you're mean, I won't dream your dream, its a nightmare, I'll dream my own dream, I won't avoid over saturated fatty meals, I like yellow Mc' Donald's extra value meals, America, I won't dress to impress my employer or associate employee contemporaries, I guess I'm a mess, my pink tie says "I love NY", OOPS, America, you don't wear pink, its not the best, America, I'll cry in public, America I'll leave home without my I.D card, shop card, video card, copier card, coupon card, welfare card, phone card, insurance card, EZ card, sleazy porn caller card, ATM card, metro card and especially the American express card, America, I won't live in fear because I'm weird, queer, Taino, Latino, fat or Black from cops who attack for fun, putting people in gray stone graves across the 48 states, and it's too late so accept my fate and recognize my Declaration of Independence.


Haven't we been through this before?
A train rambles. It's a heated discussion- My kid could lick yer kid!
But my kid already died, sir.
My wife's better than yer wife.
My wife has whole cities in her eyes.
My feet can kick yer face in.
Oh, to kick a face that is concrete!
A train continually squeeks.
Yes, now I know that we've been here, before.
Son, be careful what you feed your dog, but feed your girl everything sweet.
Remember, Ma, the shortest distance between two points is a straght line.
(a train knocks it's insides back and forth to wake them up) ,
Sister, sometimes I feel like I'm in a blender.
I'm passing through the intestine, Brother.
Another heated discussion - Nuzzle up to my neck.
Sorry, honey, you're too short.
Kiss the top of my head.
No way, baby, you've got lice.
We've been through this before and that's why we're going through it, again.
The train ride is never-ending.
It feels itself to be a tumbleweed,
skipping over highways, then resting it's iron back on rocks in the sun.
Oh, won't someone itch this spot on my back for me?
The longer you sit here it becomes catacylsmic.
It becomes a catastrophe.
It becomes an adequate passage home.

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