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Nath's Main Page
Rob's Main Page
Our Shared Pages
Our Clever Tools

Hi! I'm Nath! Welcome to the website that Rob and I share! I'm a 17 year old girl living in Switzerland, and Rob, my bf, is a 16 year old guy in England. We built this website to tell people something about us and our interests.

Please feel free to have a look round either of our pages, and our shared pages. And in our clever tools pages, there's some bits kindly provided by Bravenet. We have a chatroom and a message board, as well as an e-card service, ways to contact us and a mailing list.

We hope that using our message board and chatroom, people can find penpals, to talk to either online or by regular mail. But before giving anyone your mail address, please be sure to read our advice on those pages.

Before you go, please sign our guestbook so we know you called, we'd love to hear from you. :-)


  hours 'til we're together
days 'til we're together

Rob: Well, it seems like Nath and I are getting quite a fan club at Warwick School, people flocking to our site. Do I have a problem with that??? Do I hell, it's obviously a tribute to me and Nath as ppl, and me as a web designer. But if there's any sad little, or, maybe, sad big joke s visiting here for a cheap laugh, then grow up. If you find it funny, it' s cos you're stupid, not us. Besides, we don't give a damn if you find us funny. We're happy!!!! Besides, I'd far rather spend time and money on a person than on cars *cough* or computer games *cough* or just piss ing ppl off *cough cough*. In the words of someone I know, ppl who would o nly look at this site to laugh at us "have nothing in their own lives, s o they need to laugh at someone elses to make theirs feel good. Not that I'm saying that any of you are like that, of course. Just, be warned, these ppl are out there. And yes, they're even found in Warwick school.....