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Doug's Local Japanese Restaurant Listing

Please checkout these Japanese restaurant's food selections.

If you like what is listed, try out the restaurant and let me know if you liked the food.

I have a Feedback/response card for you to let me know if you liked the web site and any of the restaurants.

Please "Click" on the picture, Link to Tony This will take you to the first Japanese restaurant to visit. It is called Tony's Tonkatu Ootori.

To get the next Japanese Restaurant which is called The New Gyoza House. This restaurant is located near the Tachikawa JR station located within the city of Tachikawa, Japan. Link to New Gyoza House
"Click" on the Tsunami picture.

If you like the experience of cooking your own food, then you will like this next Japanese restaurant. It is called Donton Bori, to visit this site "Click" on the picture of the bird!
Link to Donton Bori Okonomiyaki
If you like a restaurant with ambiance and some local history, then you will like this next restaurant. This is a very old Japanese house, which was turned into a very good restaurant. It is called the Black Tea House. To visit this site "Click" on the picture of the fish!
Link to Black Teahouse

The evolution of this web page will include places to eat in the local area around Yokota Air Base, which is about 35 miles Northeast of Tokyo, Japan. Yokota Air Base is located by the cities of Fussa-shi and Tachikawa outside the city of Tokyo. These cities have some good places to eat with reasonable prices. This site includes the menus and directions on how to get to the restaurants posted on this site.
This web site is to ensure the new people to the local area around Yokota AB can find some of the good restuarants. The web page will be maintained to ensure the information is available on various places to eat. This way people will be able to understand what there is to eat at each location. As this page grows from the contributions of people in the area, I will try to keep this updated as much as possible. If you want one of your favorite restuarants listed, please send me the information. I will post it with your byline.
This web page will provide information for the curious minded person who is unable to visit Japan or is new to the area. This page contains foods that are distinctly traditional and some commericalized versions of Japanese foods .

Remember all information contained within this web site is not meant to endorse nor to entice you to spend your money at these restuarants. This web site is purely for informational purposes.

Please let me know how you liked the web site, any restaurant(s) you might have visited, and if you have any questions. Please sign into the "guest book" and if you have any feedback or recommendations for restaurants to visit please use the feedback option below. Thank you.

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